In-depth reflection on the Law relating to the ESS

2023-11-26 10:54:00

During the event dedicated to the social and solidarity economy (ESS), a critical assessment of the current law governing the ESS in Tunisia highlighted significant gaps that hinder its effective implementation. Initially designed to unify the various components of the ESS, the current law has, unfortunately, generated a duality between a labeled ESS and an unlabeled ESS. This fragmentation creates unnecessary complexity and risks undermining the original objectives of the law.

The structural weaknesses identified require prior review to avoid overloading the ESS with ambitious texts, but largely disconnected from reality on the ground. This in-depth reflection calls for a more pragmatic approach in the development of policies related to the ESS.

In agreement with this analysis, the experts recommend the rationalization of debates, policies and support programs on the ESS. The aim is to transcend bureaucratic barriers and promote smoother implementation of ESS principles.

Beyond the law itself, attention turns to the specific texts which govern the real dynamics of ESS actors. Among these, the cooperative, whether it takes the form of Smsa, worker cooperatives, Ucpa, citizen companies, or other structures, stands out as the most articulated, sustainable and efficient economic model within of the ESS. Among the recommendations, we cite in particular the review of the weaknesses of the law relating to the ESS (this involves an in-depth analysis of the current provisions, identifying the blocking points and proposing concrete amendments to strengthen coherence and clarity), the implementation of measures to implement the law relating to the ESS (beyond the legislative revision, concrete actions are necessary to ensure effective implementation. This includes the definition of clear procedures, training of stakeholders and the creation of monitoring mechanisms), the promotion of sectoral texts (recognizing the importance of specific texts governing the different facets of the ESS, it is crucial to put in place mechanisms that promote their visibility, accessibility and their institutional recognition), the establishment of a system of bodies representing ESS companies (to strengthen the representativeness of the sector, a system of bodies dedicated to ESS companies should be established. This will promote consultation, collaboration and the collective expression of the needs and concerns of ESS stakeholders).

#Indepth #reflection #Law #relating #ESS



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