In-Depth Analysis of Political Movements and International Relations in the Middle East

2023-12-16 04:17:00


A UN official ruled out that there would be any seriousness in forming a regional international force to confront the Ansar Allah threat to shipping heading to the ports of the occupying entity through the Red Sea, because the matter here is not Somalia or pirates, but rather a political movement that has been difficult to defeat by the countries themselves concerned with forming the joint force and a political title. Related to the war on Gaza. Most importantly, any confrontation in the Red Sea will lead to more than what Ansar Allah does by selectively blocking ships because all navigation will stop, especially oil tankers.

A Western diplomat says that Washington’s insistence on obtaining Tel Aviv’s approval to accept the consideration of a two-state solution without committing to dismantling settlements and giving up East Jerusalem as a framework for a political solution to the Palestinian issue and linking it to handing over the Palestinian Authority, even with an invisible Hamas partnership for the Gaza Strip, is because Washington believes it is capable of Obtaining a Saudi-Israeli normalization deal would be the price Tel Aviv receives in exchange for victory in the war, in exchange for a demilitarized Palestinian authority sponsored by Arab countries. The question remains: How can this be achieved with a strong resistance that holds the battlefields in Gaza and has this number of prisoners?


Follow-up circles noted that the economic cycle has regained its vitality despite the Gaza war.

Circles close to the head of a political movement who ceaselessly attacks a non-civil authority say that the severity of his criticism is just a drop in the bucket for a former president who founded this movement.

Ambassadors abroad complained of the extreme slowness in transferring their salaries and that they had not received their dues for the last three months.

Major General

– A program that was being prepared for the visit of a head of state that is a member of the Security Council to Lebanon was withdrawn from media circulation, and the fate of the visit is not yet known.

– Urgent measures were taken to stop the Israeli interference with telephone communications in the south, which was reminiscent of what the interference team was doing in 2006.

– Disputes over transactions led to citizens being deprived of the “blessing of state electricity,” despite its scarcity at the height of the winter season and the end-of-year holidays.

The day

The leadership of one of the parties was unable to address the consequences of the recent Bar Association elections, after non-compliance led to disputes and disciplinary measures that were reflected in the movement’s atmosphere.

A representative said that he and his colleagues proposed submitting a draft law to abolish Public Security’s prior oversight of advertisements because it had become unnecessary in the face of the huge amount of media pumping and direct broadcasting, but the answer they received was that maintaining it came from the aspect of paid fees that contribute to the general budget. Not as a matter of censorship.

A retired Maronite bishop regretted the level of communication between the Maronite parties and a party official saying that ISIS is better than the other party, its partner in the nation.

It was noted that a social media campaign was launched yesterday against a former minister who made a controversial statement a few days ago, but the “green light” for the campaign was delayed for days.

A campaign was launched through social media to prevent the use of MasterCard, Visa and other cards next Monday because they support Israel, according to the campaign’s launchers, but they forgot that their use in Lebanon has become very limited and the “cash” culture has expanded.

It was noted that the parties refrained from holding parties on the occasion of the holidays, and limited themselves to initiatives for some representatives and associations.

A former minister and deputy asked to postpone the celebration of the publication of a book until the appropriate conditions were created for intellectual discussion and reading, because the noise was filling the space of the stage.

Call of the homeland

Political circles are circulating information about employees of a cellular company eavesdropping and monitoring the cellular communications traffic of a number of political and party figures.

It is said that a centrist leader explicitly informed the French delegates, including Jean-Yves Le Drian, that implementing Resolution 1701 at these particular moments, that is, before the cessation of military actions, is an unrealistic request.

Some Lebanese figures active abroad tried to inquire about American sanctions and the possibility of lifting them on some influential figures, and the answer was, “Wait more.”

Newspaper Secrets 12-15-2023

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