In Córdoba, the libertarians asked the politicians of the “caste” to imitate Macri and take “a step aside”

After Mauricio Macri’s decision not to be a candidate for president in 2023, deputy Javier Milei stated that “many in the political caste” would have to copy the former president and “step aside.”

From Córdoba, the pre-candidate for governor for the Libertarian Party, Agustín Spaccesi, joined Milei’s claim and asked the same for Córdoba.

“We demand all the leaders of the political caste to step aside and allow the generational change and ideas that Argentina and Córdoba need,” he said, adding: “It is impossible for the result of the country and the province to change as long as they continue to govern those who put us here and with the ideas that caused the economic and social debacle that we citizens suffered”.

“Enough of the vanes like Luis Juez, the eternal Schiaretti, the multi-purpose ones like Llaryora, etc…. They took us from 4% of poverty to 42%, those who destroyed education, do not guarantee security and collapsed health” Spaccesi said.

In addition, he emphasized: “It is time to implement a limited, austere state, privatize all national and provincial state companies, where the security doctrine is very clear supporting the police and fighting criminals, where we make a deep tax simplification with a strong reduction in taxes so that it can be invested once more and generate companies and jobs!”

“Let’s recover the culture of work and effort, let’s change those who made the bad decisions that harmed us!”, he closed.



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