In Córdoba, biodiesel powers Paul McCartney and helps pave the streets

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Paul McCartney Will Rock Córdoba with a Dash of Eco-Friendly Power!

Well, folks, this isn’t your regular football match at the Mario Alberto Kempes Stadium in Córdoba. No Messi, no belting between Belgrano and Talleres; instead, brace yourselves for one of the most iconic figures in music history: Paul McCartney! Yes, while football fans are probably going to be heartbroken, McCartney is not just bringing his tunes, he’s also bringing a sustainable revolution!

Smart move, Córdoba! As McCartney takes to the stage on October 23, local governments are rolling out the green carpet—just make sure it’s made of bioasphalt and filled with recyclable confetti!

But wait, why is this gig important? Well, aside from being a legendary musician, Paul’s an environmental advocate. And Córdoba, in all its wisdom, thought, “Hey, why not use 100% biodiesel (B100) from our own backyard to juice up the show?” How’s that for a concert day “bio-fuel up”? It’s as if they thought, “If we can’t have global warming, we might as well have global jamming!”

They’re not just blowing smoke; they’re measuring the carbon footprint! Yes, you heard that right. For the first time, a rockstar’s carbon footprint will be measured! The only time that happens at a concert is if the band plays a terrible encore!

Turning up the Beat on Sustainability

Now, before McCartney belts out “Hey Jude,” let’s talk about the importance of this “sustainable show.” Local government officials are using this famous concert as propaganda—you know, the “look what we’re doing for the environment” campaign! And they’re making clear they won’t use a drop of fossil fuel! Not a drop! Honestly, if more of us used that logic with our exes, the world would be a quieter place!

“The electric power generation of the event will not use a drop of fossil fuel,” they exclaimed, clearly not referring to my dating life!

This event serves as a billboard for biofuels, promoting cleaner energy in line with the local commitment to decarbonize their energy matrix. Yes, this province isn’t just hopping on the green bandwagon; they’re driving it with all the enthusiasm of an eco-conscious Uber driver!

It’s Not Just a Concert—It’s a Whole Eco Extravaganza

And if that wasn’t enough, they’re also on about recovering waste! Imagine doing karaoke with an eco-twist while sorting your bottles; talk about a fun night. The concert will feature stations for recycling and composting, just like Cosquín Rock 2024. Yes, they might even have a specialized crew in glittery uniforms ready to tackle your plastic with style!

And speaking of style: as if the concert wasn’t cool enough, Córdoba is advancing the use of bioasphalt in roadworks. That’s right, we’re not just talking about some hippie-dippie, wishy-washy ideals; they’re actually paving the way—literally!—for a greener future.

Road to a Greener Tomorrow

These local projects are set to transform streets into eco-friendly passages. Bioasphalt—made from biodiesel—offers an environmentally friendly alternative to petroleum. It’s like your grandma’s asphalt, but with a green thumb! Not only does this magic potion work with fewer hydrocarbons, but it’s also applied cold, which might just save you from another summer of terrible traffic jams while they’re hot-blasting that old gooey black stuff!

“Biomixtures replace an interesting proportion of this asphalt,”

they cheerfully assert. Talk about a win-win!

In preparation for all this eco-friendly ado, they’ve even launched a mini biodiesel production plant. It’s all very impressive and quite frankly, if McCartney’s tunes can help move us forward a bit, I say let’s dance our way to 2040!

Final Thoughts

So, while you’re out there grooving to McCartney’s melodies, remember: you’re not just watching a concert—you’re part of something larger, a sustainable movement sweeping through Córdoba like a protest against plastic bags! And trust me, you’ll feel oh-so-good knowing your fun night out is doing some good for the planet. Now that’s some music to my ears!

This Wednesday, October 23, The Mario Alberto Kempes World Cup stadium in Córdoba will be dressed up. It will not be for Messi and the National Team to arrive, nor will the classic be played between Belgrano and Talleres. There will be no football.

At night, when the stadium lights go out, one of the most transcendental figures in the history of popular music will take the stage: Paul McCartney.

One of the leaders of The Beatles will play in the country again. But beyond his musical legacy, it is known, The 82-year-old artist is a strong defender of natural preservation and environmental care..

For this reason, the Government of Córdoba did not want to miss the opportunity and detected a way to give greater visibility to the policy of promoting biofuels and the sustainability of production: they announced that The concert “will use 100% biodiesel (B100) of Cordoba origin, to power the generators”.

It is an experience that It had already been performed in shows such as Hernán Cattáneo, the Río Pinto Challenge and the Villa María Peñas Festival..

In addition, the Province and the company that organizes the show will carry out the measurement of the carbon footprint generated by the recital. Everything happened through a collaboration agreement with the production company En Vivo Producciones to promote the use of clean energy in mass and cultural events.

“This agreement It is framed within the provincial policies for decarbonization of the energy matrix local, highlighting the province’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” they stated.

Harsh claim from Córdoba: “Not having a biofuels policy does the same damage as withholdings”


Months ago, in the same city and in the context of the International Corn Congress, Governor Martín Llaryora had pointed out with great emphasis and vehemence a demand for greater momentum at the national level for biofuels policy.

Therefore, the arrival of the former Beatle was the perfect excuse to put together a new “sustainable show”and a new showcase for the cause, since all the energy used for lighting, sound and screens will come from renewable sources.

The electric power generation of the event will not use a drop of fossil fuel“, they stated from the Province.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services, together with the Ministry of Environment and Circular Economy and En Vivo Producciones, will measure the carbon footprint generated by the recital.

Additionally, it will be implemented a recovery scheme for recyclable and compostable waste, replicating the model used in Cosquín Rock 2024, in collaboration with the Córdoba Obras y Servicios (COyS) entity and the EcoLink organization.

The comprehensive waste plan includes recycling and composting stations distributed in the entrances, stalls, field and production areas, as well as specialized personnel in the reception and classification of waste, which will be valued in green and composting centers.


In parallel, the Province announced that it is advancing in the use of bioasphalt in “small and medium scale road works”. This is a development that began to be used a few years ago and that can now scale to “offer an alternative to the traditional systems used in road works.”

“Bioasphalt is made with biodiesel and It has features quite similar to traditional asphalta petroleum derivative that to date is the most widespread compound in road infrastructure,” they argued.

Among the main points highlighted with respect to traditional technology is that of being “more environmentally friendly”, since biofuel is used instead of petroleum in its preparation. And they also claim that “it is simpler to apply” and requires less deployment of machinery.

According to reports, the Afema company began exploring the use of This alternative is prepared from a polymer imported from the USA. In turn, the Córdoba firm purchased the use license from the company EZ Street, which markets the component from which the bioasphalt is made.

“At the beginning of 2024, Afema took an important step to promote this segment: it launched a mini biodiesel production plant, which was financed with the line of credit at a subsidized rate granted by the encourage the energy transition in the industrial, agricultural and services sectors,” they explained.

Daniel de la Rubia, head of the Afema laboratory, He explained that “traditional asphalt mixtures have a very significant contribution of hydrocarbons and are made hot.”

“Biomixtures replace an interesting proportion of this asphalt and are worked cold, which brings benefits in maneuverability,” they expressed.

The compound has been used in patching and repair work on asphalt pavements with good results. Some local governments have already begun to use it, such as the Municipality of Córdoba, which acquired about 20 thousand tons. Afema also exports the product to Uruguay, Bolivia and Paraguay.


The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services, Afema and the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of the UNC (FCEFyN) sealed an agreement that contemplates an analysis of biomixtures, to advance the approval of the product and its subsequent use in road works in the Province.

For these tests, The road company placed an asphalt layer on a section of route E 57, in a sector of Mendiolaza. The surface covers about 1,000 meters, where about 600 meters of biomix and about 300 meters of traditional asphalt alternate.

UNC researchers will conduct laboratory studies and in the field for a year, comparing the performance of each compound.

“We are testing the performance of the biomixture in large sections of road construction, thinking of implementing this type of technology for different works, especially in the provincial interior, where it can be more complex to assemble the structures required to lay hot asphalt,” explained Mariano Santillán, in charge of the Biofuels and Bioenergies Execution Unit of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services.

Regarding the application, These types of mixtures can be worked with small crews. Unlike traditional asphalt, which requires the installation of a material manufacturing plant near the construction site.a, and must be hot placed by teams of at least 15 workers, with assistance from heavy machinery.

This deployment usually generates an impact on traffic, especially in urban areas.

Hence heBiomixtures are positioned as a solution for populated areas, since they have less impact on the environment. For the execution of large road works, such as highways or routes, hot asphalt is the most appropriate option.

Santillán rescued the other advantage of this system: It is more environmentally sustainable. As it is a compound made with biodiesel, it allows us to reduce the carbon footprint by replacing asphalt made from petroleum.

From this perspective, It is an alternative with lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. in public works, something central to fighting global warming.

The first estimates indicate that due to the characteristics of the polymer used and the use of B100 the asphalt content is reduced by an average of 27%, which implies a reduction in the same percentage of the carbon footprint. That is why it is called BioAsfalto 27 or AB27.

The compound, furthermore, reduces the temperature of the manufacturing process and prevents the emission of vapors produced by hot asphalt, which also contributes to reducing the carbon footprint.

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