In Balma, near Toulouse, they enter the scene and toast “to the death of sexism”

the essential
For another week, the “Créatrices! » opens the stage of the Grainerie, in Balma, to female creation.

It’s always a highlight of spring at the Grainerie: the “Créatrices! continues until Sunday 23 on the facilities of the circus arts factory, rue Saint-Jean in Balma. A dozen artistic meetings are dedicated to the women’s circus and, echoing this, the question of women in live performance. On the program, shows, workshops, performances, meetings and workshops pursue one objective: to highlight the work of circus women, reaffirming the need to work for true gender equality. An event that revolves around the Tenaces collective, at the origin of the hashtag #MeToo Cirque.

A hybrid exhibition
“We welcome the Pfff collective, for Feminist potential in substance and form,” recalls Christophe, head of the communication department at La Grainerie. Also, this Friday evening at 7 p.m., Pfff will deliver a performance that will be repeated on Tuesday 18, like an invitation to infuse contemporary feminist questions (entrance: €8 – €6).
“A hybrid, transdisciplinary, playful and interactive exhibition takes over the Grainerie and reinvents itself there as it does at each new place that hosts it. Visitors roam freely there, choosing what to watch, listen to, attend and participate in,” the organizers point out. Consisting of 5 actresses, occasionally accompanied by a videographer, Pfff delivers a non-mixed, collective, non-hierarchical work, which is between political commitment, philosophy of life and artistic production.

The Sisterhood
Tomorrow Saturday, the Tenaces collective and the Elles company will invite the public to take part in an apéro-tarot (free entry) from 5.30 p.m. A way to celebrate sisterhood, with an introduction to the history of the tarot presented by Urielle Hugh. This will be followed by a tasting of natural organic wine orchestrated by Isabelle Perraud, committed winemaker. The opportunity “to toast to the death of sexism”.

Extremes meet
Also tomorrow, at 8:30 p.m., a polyphonic performance, “Consagrada”, will present a place where extremes meet: pain and beauty, sport and illness, guilt and pleasure, triumphs and failures (entrance : €15 – €12 – €9).
Emmanuel Vaksmann
La Grainerie, 61 rue Saint-Jean in Balma. Program of “Créatrices! (until Sunday 23):

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