In Autoforos the arrested for the attack 2024-03-12 14:35:53

These are 9 out of a total of 21 arrested, as the remaining 12 are minors and were released by verbal order of the public prosecutor, after having previously referred them to the competent Juvenile Court.

All those arrested were prosecuted for serial insults with racial characteristics, while two of the adults were additionally charged with attempted serial simple bodily harm (again with racial characteristics).

The case file filed by the Thessaloniki Racist Violence Department of ELAS also includes unknown perpetrators who are being prosecuted for threats. The 9 defendants who were referred to trial by the automatic procedure, remain in custody and will be brought to court tomorrow.

Finally, the Thessaloniki First Instance Prosecutor’s Office examines whether criminal responsibilities arise against the parents of the minors. According to ELAS, among the 21 arrested are 9 Greeks and 12 foreigners (originating from Albania and Georgia).

Reactions from politicians

With a post on social networks, the government representative Pavlos Marinakis condemns the homophobic attack against two people, yesterday, in Aristotelous Square in Thessaloniki. “The attack with elements of lynching on two of our fellow citizens in Thessaloniki causes sadness and anger, simply because they have a different sexual orientation,” says Mr. Marinakis in his post.

“Social fascism is not going to be tolerated. The perpetrators of these heinous acts will be held accountable in Justice”, he continues and concludes: “Greece is moving forward. Sad exceptions are not going to leave us behind.”

“Disgust”, notes Stefanos Kasselakis in a post on social media, in which he “uploaded” the video of “yesterday’s mass attack against two transgender people, in the most central part of Thessaloniki”.

“I invite you to see it, so that we can reflect together on the magnitude of the decadence, and the fascism and racism lurking in our society. When the ruling people turn into a mob, we have nothing good to look forward to in the future,” he underlines.

The president of SYRIZA PS emphasizes that “the time has come for us progressive citizens to take the country into our own hands”, adding: “They seem more because the darkness always makes a lot of noise. There are more of us and we are in the light.”

“The images from Aristotelous Square are absolutely reprehensible,” says Pavlos Christidis, head of K.T.E., in a post on Twitter. of Human Rights of PASOK -KINAL.

On the occasion of the homophobic attack yesterday by a crowd of young people against two victims, he notes: “However, it is also an image that reflects the consequences of hate speech, the reproduction of stereotypes and the lack of a meaningful dialogue to secure the rights of all people.” “We have a way to go and we will,” concludes Mr. Christidis.

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The homophobic attack was also condemned by the mayor of Thessaloniki Stelios Angeloudis with his post on Facebook.

The attack of hundreds of people on two non-binary people in Aristotelous Square in Thessaloniki on Saturday night (09.03.2024).

The two non-binary people, as they describe themselves, had a difficult time in Aristotelous Square in Thessaloniki, as can be seen in the videos, as the mob chased them with fury and hatred.

As the victims (both 21 years old) reported, a group of people verbally attacked them and threw bottles at them, with them finding “shelter” in an adjacent restaurant to protect themselves. The perpetrators continued to harass them even when police forces arrived at the scene, with whose help the victims of the attack were taken to the police station where they filed a complaint.

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As he said, he was hit on the head and they found shelter in a restaurant. “A girl came in front of me to help us, but she was also pushed. I said to my friend let’s go, someone hit me on the head. We entered a restaurant located in the square to save ourselves. There the store staff helped us a lot. They came threateningly to the store and fought with the staff.

Then the police came. It was all shocking. These were all different groups who wanted to mock us. Arrests have been made but everyone must be found. We spent the night giving statements at the police station, while also going to the hospital for tests. Fortunately, we are fine.”

In a post on tik tok they describe everything they experienced on Saturday night.

Police officers proceeded to arrest a total of 25 people and after examining them, 21 were arrested, among them 11 minors and 10 adults, while a case file was filed against them. The youngest who has been arrested is 15 years old.

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