In Argentina, Javier Milei rejected the salary increase by senators

Buenos Aires.-In the midst of the internal dispute with Victoria Villarruel, Javier Milei pointed at the senators for the new increase in their salaries: “They are expensive if given away.”

In a series of posts on his X account, Javier Milei harshly questioned the new salary increase that the senators gave themselves and lashed out at “the caste” that “believes it is unpunished”: “Given away, they are expensive,” the president tweeted, referring to the members of the chamber led by Victoria Villarruel.

The President dedicated a series of messages on social media, as well as republishing from other accounts, criticizing the salary increase that senators will begin to receive, which will take their salaries to $9 million.

In one of them, he expressed his “repudiation” for “each of the firms” that, he said, “gave rise to this waste in favor of the politicians and against the Argentines.” Milei thus hinted at the tense relationship that exists today between him and his vice president, head of the Senate.

The first message published on X by the President was titled “The caste believes it is unpunished.” There he asked how many senators “can validate on the market what they earn in politics.” “From my point of view, they are expensive if they are given away,” he replied.

“They are disconnected from the reality of the Argentines who suffer as a result of their political mistakes,” said the president about the members of the upper house, among whom there are a handful who are members of the La Libertad Avanza party.

Later, in a much longer message, the President lashed out at the senators, whom he accused of “betraying” the people for the sharp increase they will begin to receive because they are “hooked” on the parity of legislative employees who received a new increase on Monday.

“The Senate’s salary increase is a betrayal of the Argentine people,” was the title of his second message.

Milei recalled that the salaries of the Executive Branch, both his own and those of the ministers, secretaries and undersecretaries, have been “frozen” since December 10.

“There was no salary increase for Ministers, Secretaries or Undersecretaries. Nor for me, who also gave up my privileged pension,” he argued, adding that his administration understands that “the effort must be made by the politicians, not by the working people who pay the taxes.”

In this regard, he expressed his “utmost repudiation” of what he called the “shameful salary increase” of the Senate. “They had recently increased their salary to 7 million pesos but it seems that it is not enough: today they increased their salary to 9 MILLION,” he complained.

“Who earns 9 bucks a month? NOBODY,” he added. “While millions of compatriots are struggling to get ahead after the economic catastrophe caused by Sergio Massa, the Senate should have empathy with the Argentines and not make fun of them by increasing their salaries every month,” he suggested, according to his vision of how members of the Upper House should behave.

For Milei, the senators do not understand that “the salary they receive comes from the taxes paid by all Argentines” and, therefore, “charging 9 million pesos in this context is more than a mockery, it is a betrayal of the working people.”

“Once again, the political caste refuses to give up its privileges while the people suffer the consequences,” he insisted, while expressing, in a message where the internal dispute with Villarruel comes to light, his “repudiation” for “each of the firms” that, he said, “gave rise to this waste in favor of the politicians and against the Argentines.”

“I do not know who was responsible for such a mockery, but those who have endorsed these abuses against workers will suffer the consequences at the polls when the people express themselves through voting,” the President concluded by way of warning.

In her series of messages, Milei took the opportunity to revive her fight with the president of the National Committee of the UCR and senator, Martín Lousteau. The radical had been one of those who had voted months ago in favor of senators receiving a salary increase.

The President resumed a message from X that recalled Lousteau’s statements where he defended the increases in allowances and complained that a senator earned the same as a bank teller.

“The question is, does a bank teller earn that much or are we dealing with a tremendous hypocritical liar?” Milei commented, referring to the words of the radical senator.

In addition, the President shared other messages from X users where they mocked the moment when Lousteau raised his hand to vote in favor of the salary increase for senators last April.Clarín.

#Argentina #Javier #Milei #rejected #salary #increase #senators
2024-08-22 06:58:09



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