In another world, the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA: “Tsimoudia” in the announcement about Polakis and “87” 2024-08-28 01:53:14

The announcement of the PG makes no reference to the action of Pavlos Polakis to raise the issue of leadership, nor to the “87” who disagree.

In detail, the announcement of the PG

The recent catastrophic fire in Attica, which even threatened the urban fabric of Chalandrio, is the culmination and result of the criminal choices and inadequacy of the Mitsotakis government in the field of preventing and dealing with forest fires.

No matter how many communication tricks Mr. Mitsotakis uses, no matter how much he tries to shift the blame elsewhere, from the climate crisis to the residents themselves, who did not clean up their plots, the truth is not hidden. Under ND, since 2019, the burned areas have tripled, while our country is first in the EU. in the proportion of burned areas per number of fires.

At the same time, the Mitsotakis government has not absorbed the necessary funds of the Recovery Fund for Civil Protection. He stubbornly refuses to hire the necessary staff in the Fire Service. It has weakened the Forestry Service, where this year’s recruitment of seasonal staff at the Forestry Offices was completed only a few weeks ago.

After the disaster, the prime minister, who had been missing for days, made announcements that will also remain on paper, like the ones he made in previous years. Proclamations that repeat the proposals and measures that the SYRIZA government had submitted and is starting to launch, with the Goldammer conclusion (2019), the public fire prevention policy (2019), and the National Strategy for Forests (2018). And which were sacrificed on the altar of petty political benefit, and the doctrine of the privatization of public services.

SYRIZA-PS has a comprehensive plan for the effective prevention and treatment of forest fires. Which, among other things, provides for the staffing of the Fire Brigade, and the establishment of a special branch of forest firefighters, as well as the purchase of new firefighting vehicles, but also the use of combat-worthy but decommissioned and older vehicles of the Armed Forces.

At the same time, SYRIZA-PS will immediately submit a Law Proposal for the establishment of an Independent National Civil Protection Authority, with legal, financial and administrative autonomy. With the commander and deputy commanders of this Independent Authority, to be chosen, not by party criteria, but after a hearing by the Institutions and Transparency Committee of the Parliament and with the agreement of an Independent Committee of Experts. The new Independent Authority will have liaisons and coordinators in each region, as well as expert scientists who will warn in time of dangers.

At the core of the politics and values ​​of SYRIZA-PS is the protection of the environment and dealing with the consequences of the climate crisis, the great challenge of our time.

At the same time, however, it will also look for the specific responsibilities, actions and omissions of all those involved in dealing with the recent disaster in Attica, and the exact number of air and ground forces that were called to deal with it. Because citizens have the right to know the truth.

· At these critical moments, the strengthening of SYRIZA-PS, inside and outside parliament, is necessary and essential as never before, in order to pave the way as soon as possible for the overthrow of the Mitsotakis government, and for the great progressive change that the country needs . It goes without saying that the presence of the president of the party in the Greek parliament will strengthen the voice of SYRIZA-PS and will contribute decisively to the party’s great, oppositional effort.

· SYRIZA-PS did not have and does not have invisible financiers and “sponsors”. It relies on government funding, and the contribution of its members, executives and MPs. The financial difficulties it is facing, after the reduction of the state grant, also have an impact on the financing of the party’s media, which are very important, not only for SYRIZA-PS, but also for the quality of information to the citizens, which is affected daily.

SYRIZA-PS will give all its strength to the reconstruction and strengthening of its media, so that the voice of society can be heard loudly through them. In order to deal with this difficult economic situation, the boards of the two media, Avgi and Kokkinos, SYRIZA-PS will exhaust every possibility of finding resources and financing to serve the plan of restructuring and rationalization of the media, which will also include a program voluntary for employees.

· SYRIZA-PS will submit, in view of the TIF, socially fair and specific proposals for all the major issues that concern citizens, from accuracy and housing, to public health, which is collapsing every day. And he will fight inside and outside the parliament, so that the hopes and dreams of the Greek citizens, for a better life, will soon come true.

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#world #Political #Secretariat #SYRIZA #Tsimoudia #announcement #Polakis



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