In an opinion piece, Pesti Srácok supports Róbert Ábrahám, who hit Puzsér

Saturday morning wrote it the Telex, that after years of back-and-forth messages, the conflict between Róbert Puzsér and Róbert Ábrahám, one of the Pesti Srácok journalists, turned violent on Friday afternoon.

Ábrahám punched Róbert Puzsér in the face after he wrote about them in a Facebook post he called a “satirical mockery” as if they had had a sexual relationship, and now he was breaking up with the Pesti Srácok journalist in public. In the post, Puzsér asked Ábrahám to “stop harassing me, I never want to see you again, don’t wait for me in the parking lot and don’t hang around my house!”

Róbert Puzsér told the news portal that Róbert Ábrahám asked him for a meeting. They met in Tűzoltó utca, where, according to his claim, the Pesti Srácok journalist asked Puzsér to get into his black Mercedes. “Of course I didn’t get in, so he started insulting me, explaining to me that “my children read that their father is gay”, and then he punched me in the face.” According to his statement, he did not return the blow, but when Ábrahám finally let go of his arm, he left the Pesti Srácok journalist there. He then went to the police to file a report.

The BRFK wrote to the news site that “in relation to the case you mentioned, the BRFK IX. The District Police Department is conducting an investigation, during which a man was interrogated as a suspect for attempted grievous bodily harm”.

However, Róbert Ábrahám remembers what happened differently, according to him, Puzsér did not go to the meeting alone, but “walked out the gate together with a little guy” who filmed the whole thing from a distance (Puzsér denied this when contacted by the paper reporting on the incident, according to him, no recording was made). As he writes in his post, “…while turning to the side, I saw that his little friend was still taking it, and I asked him not to play for the camera anymore, but to either get in the car or find a place, but not to make a scene. At that point, he wanted to play even more violently for the camera – since the recording was already there of him standing tensely – and I reached for his hand to let him finish what I had started. And then he pushed my hand, to which I reflexively slapped him, and he started screaming. He then ran to the police.”

A Telex on Saturday afternoon, he came forward with new news regarding the Puzsér-Ábrahám duel, which reveals that: on the page of Pesti Srácok, a opinion piece regarding the case. “Beyond Tolerance – Review!!!!” entitled, written by Dávid Kertész, begins as follows

“some people think they can do anything because the public is on their side. Róbert Puzsér is a prime example of this, as he tries to compensate for his misguided life by putting himself on a pedestal and looking down on and insulting everyone. Until reality hits. You can condemn violence, but violence doesn’t start with a slap.”

In the publicist, the author writes that “the violence started with the cheeky bullying that Puzsér used to incite the hordes of his fans against Robi for years”, among other things, he “picked peat, gypsied, Jewishized, and most recently, I don’t know in what state, but a completely attacked him with amazing bullshit on social media. With the fact that Robi is actually his ex-boyfriend”. According to Kertész, “Robi Ábrahám is a family man. Father, husband and good at both”, Puzsér, on the other hand, “shaken the slap tree and the fruit fell on his head”.

The opinion piece concludes that

“public discourse is incredibly violent, full of hatred and violence. This needs to be changed, and it really won’t bring about the change if the slaps are not only fired in the virtual space. But there is a point beyond which you can no longer tolerate it.

Ábrahám Robit has been defamed by Puzsér for years in person, in front of his family and the entire public, if you are a man, you can’t stand it after a while. The right-wing is patient, as is Robi, but if we hold the little finger forever, it breaks after a while, sometimes the hand becomes a fist.”

The news site contacted him the editor-in-chief of Pesti Srácok, Gergely Huth, to ask what he thinks about the case, whether he agrees with the opinion article published in his paper, and whether there will be any consequences for Róbert Ábrahám’s attack. As soon as they receive a response, they will update the article.



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