The Supreme Election Commission (VRK) announced on Saturday that the most active were those who declared their place of residence in Neringa municipality – their voting activity reached 30 percent. Voting was also active in the districts of Ignalina (19.7%), Lazdijai (19.1%) and Biršton (16.9%).
Residents of Klaipėda city (3.83%), Kaunas district (3.8%), Panevėžys district (4.94%) and Šiauliai district (5.01%) remain the most passive.
6.2 percent voted in Vilnius. voters, in Kaunas – 6.3 percent.
In the local government elections held four years ago, voter turnout in early voting was lower – in 2019, 6.25 percent expressed their will during the same period. or over 153 thousand voters.
Voting started in advance on Tuesday and lasted until Thursday – voters who might not come to the area on Sunday might express their will in municipal buildings throughout Lithuania. Additional early voting stations were installed in Vilnius and Kaunas.
Also, from Wednesday to Friday, voting took place at special points in hospitals, nursing homes, the army, and places of deprivation of liberty.
Voting at home started on Friday and continues on Saturday. Disabled people, people who care for disabled people at home, and people who are unable to work due to illness can vote at home. voters aged 70 and over.
According to CEC data, over 571,000 people have the right to vote at home. voters in the country, and regarding 100 thousand registered for it. voters.
On the main election day, Sunday, voting will take place in polling stations, which will start at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and will be open until 8 p.m. evening There are almost 2.39 million voters on the electoral rolls. Lithuanian residents.
In these elections, 1,498 members of municipal councils and 60 mayors are elected for a four-year term. According to CEC data, 13 thousand are competing for these mandates. 797 candidates, 433 of them seek mayor positions.