In a storm of only 10 minutes… an unparalleled hailstone kills a child

A violent snow storm hit the Northeast Spain And resulted in the death of a 20-month-old girl on Tuesday night, Wednesday, after she was hit by a large hailstone, while the storm injured many people and caused severe damage.

The girl was killed after a ball of ice with a diameter of several centimeters hit her skull in the town of La Bisbal d’Emporda, near Girona in Catalonia, according to what the local and health authorities announced.

Carme Vall, a member of the municipal council of La Bisbal d’Emporda, told local radio RAC1 that the hail “fell on her head” and “didn’t survive”, adding: “It only fell for ten minutes, but it was ten minutes of terror.”

A storm hits Catalonia (

Girona Hospital, to where the girl was taken, said that she is 20 months old, confirming that she died at night in the hospital, without providing further details.

A storm hits Catalonia (

A storm hits Catalonia (

In parallel, according to the Catalan emergency services, the hail that hit the area at night caused several injuries and caused severe damage due to its size, reaching 10 centimeters in diameter, according to the meteorological services.

In Vilanova del Cami, a town 30 kilometers from Barcelona, ​​a 13-year-old boy was taken to hospital in a “critical condition” after being hit by a tree branch early Wednesday afternoon, the Catalan emergency services said.

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