In a black van: Nehammer goes on tour in Austria

He set off on a new tour on Monday, the motto of which is “Stability for Austria”. The tour began in front of the turquoise party headquarters in Vienna’s Lichtenfelsgasse. Over the next two weeks, all federal states will be visited, with Vienna and Lower Austria being the first to start.

Read also: Election trend: Starting position almost unchanged before intensive election campaign

“I’m looking forward to many encounters”

The Chancellor is travelling in a black van with the words “Strong centre. Stability for Austria” emblazoned on it. “I’m looking forward to many encounters,” assured Nehammer before setting off. He wants to enter into dialogue with people and hear their concerns. He wants to convey that the ÖVP is solution-oriented and stands for stability. The focus will be on the topics of performance, family and security, explained ÖVP General Secretary Christian Stocker.

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Nehammer pointed out that he had already presented his goals in the “Austria Plan” at the beginning of the year. “It’s about developing Austria as a safe and livable place.” It is now also important to focus the momentum of the election campaign on questions of the future – for example, the question of who should lead the country. “I am in favor of bringing society together and not dividing it further.” He was convinced that this was his “clear offer” to voters.

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When asked about the election advertising costs, he assured: “We are all limited and will stick exactly to the limit. The precautions have been taken.”



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