In 30 days, Diablo Immortal made nearly $50 million for Blizzard

Diablo Immortal may be one of Metacritic’s lowest-rated games (players gave it a rating of 0.4 out of 10!), the title of Blizzard still picks up the bet. This canon episode in the saga — the story takes place between Diablo II and III — launched early June is efficient, rhythmic and rather pretty… but it’s also a game free-to-play which does not skimp on micro-transactions and paid consumables (although it is possible to play without paying anything).

The game may have been poorly received by the Diablo fan community, but Blizzard can get their hands dirty. According to figures from Appmagic, Diablo Immortal generated $49 million during its first thirty days of availability on iOS and Android (more than ten million copies downloaded). A figure that does not include the commissions paid to the two platforms. And that’s not counting the PC version in beta.

Number of downloads of the game in its mobile version.

A week after its release, the publisher announced that the title had exceeded ten million installations, all platforms combined. Quite simply ” biggest launch in franchise history ».

It will be necessary to see over time if Diablo Immortal manages to keep all the players for the moment committed to the cause of the methodical and relentless destruction of demons.

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