in 2022, the United States became France’s leading suppliers

2023-09-28 18:03:00

The gradual closure of gas pipelines from Russia since the start of the war in Ukraine can be seen in the figures. Indeed, the United States has become France’s leading gas supplier in 2022. They are now ahead of Norway and Russia, which still supplies France with gas to the tune of 15%, according to the “Key figures of energy 2023” published Thursday.

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In a context of very sharp price increases and supply tensions linked to the Russian invasion, the United States has also become the leading source of crude oil imports for France. However, they were in ninth place in 2018. The quantities of crude oil imported from States-United States increased by 37% to 6.2 megatons of oil equivalent in 2022, ahead of Kazakhstan (5.7 Mtoe), Nigeria (4.2), Algeria (3.7) while direct purchases from the Russia fell by 30% to 2.2 Mtoe, the document said.

For its part, Russia has fallen from 6th to 10th place, details the document published annually by the Ministry of Energy Transition.

“France now imports almost all of the fossil fuels it consumes and has gradually diversified their geographical origin,” note the document. On the other hand, ” pfor the first time since 1980, it is a net importer of electricity in 2022 ».

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The rise of American gas, transported in the form of liquefied natural gas by ship, in the French and European energy mix is ​​here to stay. The Americans exported, in total for the year 2022, some 56 billion cubic meters of LNG to the EU, compared to 22 billion in 2021, a jump of 140%. In the spring, the United States committed “to work to maintain a high level of American LNG supply to Europe in 2023, of at least 50 billion m3”.

For the rest, Europe has opted for other suppliers: Qatar (5 billion m3), Egypt (also 5 billion), Norway (3 billion), Angola (2 billion) and the island of Trinidad and Tobago (2 billion). The IEA also highlights 2 billion m3 delivered by Russia.

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Apart from diversifying supplies, Europeans are striving to contain their demand. Gas consumption in the EU thus plunged by 19% between August 2022 and January 2023, compared to the level between 2017 and 2022, i.e. much more than the objective of 15% set by the Twenty-Seven.

(With AFP)