IMSS Veracruz Norte made more than two million queries

The IMSS strengthened the medical equipment at HGZ No. 11 in Xalapa and 24 in Poza Rica

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Veracruz North provides medical care through 45 Family Medicine Units (UMF), three Zone General Hospitals with Family Medicine (HGZ/MF), two Subzone Hospitals (HGSZ), three Zone General Hospitals (HGZ), one of Ambulatory Care Medicine (UMAA) and a Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Unit (UDDCM).

During the 2022Two million 595 thousand 225 Family Medicine consultations and 380 thousand 573 Specialty consultations were granted, said the head of the Representation Office in Veracruz North, Dr. María de Lourdes Carranza Bernal.

He explained that, of the Specialty consultations, 72 thousand 367 were carried out in Internal Medicine; 59 thousand 400 of Traumatology and orthopedics; 58,248 in Physical and Occupational Therapy and Phonoaudiology; 39 thousand 611 of General Surgery; 35,677 from Gynecology; 28 thousand 557 in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; 26 thousand 511 in Ophthalmology; 24,562 from Nephrology; 19,143 in Urology and 18,906 in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

He highlighted that, during the year, 20 National Days of Continuity of Medical Services under the strategy “With the Eagle Well Put”, reaching 201 thousand 247 consultations of miMedicina Familiar; thousand 688 Surgeries; 18 thousand 820 Specialty consultations and, with respect to detections, 8 thousand 589 of cervical cancer; 20 thousand 270 of breast cancer; 29 thousand 844 of arterial hypertension and 25 thousand 791 of diabetes mellitus; In addition, 4,241 screenings for hepatitis C, 1,640 for HIV, and 1,703 PrevenIMSS check-ups.

Carranza Bernal emphasized that: ´´by joining the national strategies “Digital Appointment”, which was implemented in four medical units, 22,042 appointments were scheduled, benefiting 99,280 beneficiaries, which positions the representation within the top six nationally; with “UNIFILA” four thousand 234 patients with Family Health Care´´.

Likewise, with the Diabetes Mellitus Care Center (CADIMSS)which is a comprehensive care program for carriers of this disease who do not present complications and which has four locations in the Family Medicine Units (UMF) No. 10, No. 50, No. 66 and No. 68, with Seven reference units have benefited 613,000 patients, and 16,238 services were provided.

It should be noted that, with the aim of reinforcing the actions implemented by the programa PrevenIMSS, 606,729 services were provided in said modules; With the “Lose Kilos, Gain Life” Program, 2,054 patients have reached their ideal weight and with the Refillable Recipe, 317,044 prescriptions were issued.

He also stressed that the Heart Attack Code Program which was implemented in the eight hospitals of the representation, care was given to 250 patients, and the Brain Code Program was applied in five hospitals where 10 beneficiaries were treated.

Finally, the doctor pointed out that the IMSS in North Veracruz reiterates its commitment to the health and well-being of its beneficiaries and its workers.



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