IMSS invites women to undergo breast cancer screening

Reynosa, Tam.-
Medical staff from Family Medicine Unit No. 33 in Reynosa invite adult women to take advantage of the mammography campaign, through which they can detect any signs of breast cancer in a timely manner.

The mass care program ends on August 31, but permanent care continues for members of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) clinics.

“For the institute, it is very important to detect cancer in a timely manner and save more lives, and in advanced cases improve the patient’s life. We only do early detection of cancer, since mammography can detect very small lesions that cannot be palpated,” said epidemiologist and head of preventive medicine, Luis Mar Serrano.

The doctor called on women aged 40 to 69 who have not had a mammogram, or who had one more than two years ago, to come forward.

She said that patients must come clean, without deodorant or perfume, wear two-piece clothing and carry a health card that proves their entitlement to the IMSS unit.

To date, more than 300 consultations have been carried out out of a goal of 500 mammograms, and the results are expected to follow up on the cases that are detected.



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