IMSS enables family medicine units to process special appointments in the event of saturation in Clinic 46

Given the saturation of patients who have come to the Clinic 46 of the Social Security located on Avenida Universidad, the Mexican Institute of Social Security enabled family medicine units so that members can process their specialty appointment.

Through an information card, the IMSS He detailed that unit personnel will be in charge of the corresponding procedure and will inform the beneficiary via telephone, in this way saturation in the centers will be avoided.

And it is that they also confirmed that this Tuesday, January 11, around 10:30 a.m., there was a failure in the platform of the Electronic Medical Record (MOCE) and Reference System – Contra Reference, which made it impossible to continue granting appointments to patients. beneficiaries who were waiting to carry out this procedure, which triggered the conflict between staff and patients.

Likewise, they reported that the request for elements from the Secretariat for Citizen Security and Protection was solely to safeguard the integrity of the personnel who had been attacked, however, as soon as the agents arrived, the conflict ended.

They also reiterated their commitment to continue caring for patients affiliated with Social Security.

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