2023-05-08 19:18:58
According to the World Health Organization,“Mental health is a state of mental well-being that allows people to face stressful moments in life, develop all their abilities, be able to learn and work properly, and contribute to the improvement of their community.”
Something that most of the time we do not think regarding is that this mental well-being has two elements: one psychological and the other physiological. Everything we think regarding, perceive, analyze, has a direct effect on the functioning of our body. This is what we call stress!
Think regarding when you get angry with a coworker. That anger started as a psychological situation (difference of opinions, the other person’s misbehavior, etc.) that leads to a physiological response or from your body (palpitations, sweating, cold hands, high blood pressure, etc.). In such a way that our thoughts have the ability to affect our physical well-being. It is there where a person who continually reacts with anger and defensiveness can affect a part of her body and develop or aggravate a physical illness. But what can be done to prevent it from reaching these extremes?
1. Identify any physical reactions, illnesses, or ailments that your family members have had, since it is very likely that you will also suffer from them.
These physical diseases can be determined by our genetics. That is, if in our family there is a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, headaches, it is likely that our stress also begins to manifest itself in one of these diseases.
So remember that good mental health starts with how we see and interpret the world around us. The popular saying that says “life is the color of the glass with which we look at it” is very accurate, it is you who chooses the color of that glass. Make an effort to understand why you react the way you do. You will certainly find a reason why you learned to react like this.
2. Make small but intentional and consistent changes. Keep in mind that results do not appear overnight. You may have been treating the symptoms instead of attacking the root for a long time.
Once you understand a little more regarding their reactions, make an effort to work on your mental health. Give yourself the task of making small but permanent changes in your life. Start by eating healthier a couple of days a week, or go for a walk one day a week, practice prayer, meditation, reflection for 15 minutes, etc.
When you invest in a more serene mind, your body will follow in that direction and you will have a better health and quality of life.
When we work on developing a better version of ourselves, we enjoy life more and we will be able to perform better at work, with our family and with our community.
Work on your mental health, you’re worth it!
#Genetics #stress #reactions #affect #physical #health