Improving Well-being and Mental Health in the Spanish Workplace: Strategies for Employee Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance

2023-09-06 07:31:19

It is no coincidence that the Spanish people let’s be the Europeans who most angry we feel in the job. Every day we experience emotions like annoyance, indignation, displeasure or annoyance. the report says State of the Global Workplace Report 2022produced by Gallup. According to the data, the 44% of the Spanish active population experience high stress levels and a 47% experience elevated levels of worry. And there is more data: only a 9% of the Spanish they feel satisfied with their work at present, and the perception of Spanish employees regarding the work climate has dropped three points overall compared to last year, going from 30% to 27% and placing it at the bottom of Europe.

When should the company think regarding the well-being of its employees?

Javier Quarrydoctor in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has just published the book Mental health in the company (LID Editorial, 2023). According to this expert, without mental health there is no well-being. “Coping with mental health always has two perspectives: individualstrengthening the resilience of people, and socialintervening in the toxic ecosystems of people”. And he adds: “The vision must be rooted in the strategy, culture and direction of the company and not only in the department of occupational health; to have a proactive action, you must think from the organizational design to the decision to change a toxic ecosystem”. In this sense, Cantera points out that the company should think regarding mental health and welfare of its employees from a perspective preventive. Specifically, in these 12 moments:

By selecting right people to the company in its culture and strategy and not only to the jobs. When designing the work organization avoiding routineization, a crazy pace of work and a very high level of improvement and positions without significant value for the organization. leaders in authenticityin its management of people, in its scope of authority and management of its responsibilities. By creating natural work groups and manage conflicts relationship between individuals and groups. By accepting the diversity of gender, generation and others within the company in an inclusive culture. By establishing a culture of adequate dedication with a criterion of meritocracy convenient. When designing a flexible space with options for telecommuting.When stipulating work times taking into account availability, the reconciliation and digital disconnection. When designing careers and professional growth in the company with organizational justice. By building an employee experience model that enables the integrationinvolvement and disengagement of people. When developing a company image that has exemplariness and reputation. When conceiving the needs of personal and professional change as a reality to be managed jointly.

Would your company pass a mental health, wellness and happiness test?

Only 9% of Spaniards currently feel satisfied with their job.

Even if your company doesn’t ask you, September It is always a good time to take stock of your happiness at work. According to experts from Therapy Page “There are many hours spent at work and the weight of the interpersonal relationships that develop there is very intense”, so it is normal and healthy to have them examined at labor welfare. “Fostering sense and purpose in the company, promoting a balance between personal and work life, promoting a positive and healthy environment, personal fulfillment or a salary that makes them feel valued, are some of the policies that can contribute to increasing their well-being at work”, they explain. And they invite us to pay attention to these details:

Do you feel that your company recognizes and values ​​your daily work? “Workers need to feel that their work is appreciated. This can include everything from verbal recognition and constructive feedback to incentive programs and rewards.”Does your company allow you to balance your work and personal life? “Companies can implement work flexibility policies, such as flexible hours, remote work or days off for personal reasons.”How does your company support your professional development and growth? “Offering training and promotion opportunities can increase employee motivation and satisfaction,” say the experts at Therapy Side.Is mental health promoted in your company? “This may involve implementing wellness programs, counseling services, and promoting a workplace environment free of harassment and discrimination.”Is there effective communication in your work? Being clear regarding your work goals and “fostering open and transparent communication can improve the work environment and prevent misunderstandings,” say the experts.Do you work in an environment where teamwork and cohesion are encouraged? “Activities of team building and social events can improve labor relations and increase job satisfaction,” they point out from Therapy Side.
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