Improving the Quality of Medical Care in Mexico: Uniting for a Safer and Reliable Health System

2023-08-06 15:02:51

In these challenging times we find ourselves facing a painful reality that urges us to reflect on the state of medical care in our country. The recent and tragic loss of a girl at Hospital Number 18 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has shocked society, revealing the urgent need to improve the quality of health services in Mexico.

Last Thursday, while I was on a flight, the pilot announced to prepare for takeoff: fasten seat belts, put seats upright, windows open. However, moments before takeoff, the plane left the runway and returned to the boarding position. The reason: an extra passenger had been detected on the plane, which required stopping the takeoff to guarantee everyone’s safety. This episode made me reflect on the protocols that must be followed in a hospital to ensure patient care, such as the well-known “5 correct” for the administration of medications: the correct patient, the correct dose, the correct route of administration, the right medicine and the right time. When these security protocols are not followed in a hospital, the integrity and life of the patient are put at risk.

In this context, the case of the deceased girl in Playa del Carmen comes to mind, which leads us to question what went wrong in the hospital for a Sentinel event to occur, which is an unforeseen event that results in death or permanent damage. of a patient due to health care. We conclude that this tragic accident highlights a number of challenges facing our healthcare system, one of which is the effective implementation of certification standards. These standards should establish guidelines to ensure that hospitals meet specific quality and safety criteria in medical care, but their compliance has been irregular in many health centers in our country.

Hospital certification standards cover aspects such as adequate infrastructure, training of medical and nursing personnel, availability of medical equipment and supplies, implementation of care protocols, and promotion of a culture of patient safety. Rigorously adhering to these standards is essential to prevent preventable tragedies like the one we have witnessed.

Furthermore, this incident highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in the healthcare system. It is essential that the conditions of the 181 elevators that were placed in the IMSS units be investigated and concrete measures are taken to avoid similar situations in the future. This will require investments in infrastructure and human resources, as well as fostering a culture of continuous improvement at all levels of the health system.

It is imperative to reflect on the safety of care provided in the medical units of the Health Sector and ask ourselves: How many of us could be the patient on that stretcher? How many of us have been inside one of those 181 elevators found across the country? The time has come to unite as a society and work together to build a safer, more reliable and humane health system.

#Talking #medicine #health #lack #security #hospitals #Aitana #Case #Sol #Tampico

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