Improving Sleep Quality: Lifestyle Changes and Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

2023-08-04 07:18:08

Making changes to your lifestyle during daylight hours may help improve sleep quality. A good night’s sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Research indicates that lack of sleep has immediate negative effects on hormones and brain function. It can also cause weight gain and an increased risk of disease in both adults and children.

If you want to improve your health, increase your concentration or lose weight, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do, in addition to avoiding mobile phone light or screens in general, adjusting the room temperature if possible, and standardizing your daily sleep and wake times. There are other tricks that may help you sleep quickly and calmly without insomnia.

Avoid caffeine

You may think that caffeine is only found in tea and coffee, but soft drinks, green tea, chocolate, cocoa, chocolate milk, and energy drinks also contain different levels of caffeine that may affect sleep quality and contribute to insomnia.

Therefore, caffeine and nicotine should be avoided for at least 4 to 6 hours before going to bed. For example, drinking coffee following 2 pm can affect your sleep at night.

Caffeine affects sleep quality (Shutterstock)

Reduce naps

Long or irregular naps during the day can negatively affect your sleep. Sleeping during the day can throw off your circadian clock, which means you may struggle to sleep at night.

A study indicated that while naps of 30 minutes or less can enhance brain function during the day, longer naps can harm health and sleep quality.

Sea salt is a magical solution for relaxation

Bathing in a tub filled with warm water and sea salt helps to relax, relax muscles, reduce insomnia, ease pain, and promote a more peaceful sleep.

And you can just soak the feet in warm salt water for 15 minutes before bed, if you don’t have sea salt.

Find out what’s bothering you in your room

It takes some concentration to identify the causes of your insomnia and distraction before bed.

If your room includes a lot of pieces of furniture, boxes, or clutter in various forms, get rid of them immediately. The fewer pieces in your room, the better you will feel relaxed.

Make sure to change the sheets and bed covers regularly, and remember that this is one of the reasons why many people love hotel rooms, because the sheets are usually clean and neatly tightened on the bed.

Avoid annoying smells inside your room, as others’ favorite scents are not necessarily suitable for you, and you can perfume the pillow with a light lavender scent that helps get rid of stress and insomnia.

Make sure to change sheets and bed covers regularly to get a good sleep (Shutterstock)

The 15-minute rule

The 15-minute rule has been found to be one of the most effective strategies for addressing long-term sleep difficulties.

And this rule depends on that if you find yourself unable to sleep following 15 minutes of lying in bed, leave the room immediately, go to another room and keep the lighting low and the temperature the same.

Try to do some simple habits such as reading paper books, not opening your phone or interacting with social media platforms, and you can also drink a warm drink (that does not contain caffeine) to help you relax, and as soon as you feel sleepy, go to bed without procrastination.

If you are still awake following another 15 minutes, get up once more and repeat the above. This helps associate your bed with sleep only.

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