Improving Memory with Wasabi: Tohoku University Study

2023-12-09 18:00:00

A study conducted by Tohoku University in Japan suggests that short- and long-term memory could be improved by consuming wasabi. Wasabi was already renowned for its “antibiotic, anticancer and anti-inflammatory” properties, reports the New York Post.

But the researchers were surprised to see a significant change in the participants’ cognition. “The improvement was really substantial,” explains Rui Nouchi, author of the study and professor.

72 adults aged 60 and over were administered a placebo or a pill containing 6-MSITC, one of the bioactive components of wasabi. The study tested “executive functions, episodic memory, processing speed, working memory and attention” over 12 weeks. Those who ingested 6-MSITC “showed significant improvement in episodic work and memory performance” according to Nouchi.

The researchers concluded that wasabi extract helped reduce inflammation in the area of ​​the brain that is linked to memory, the hippocampus. If wasabi is too spicy for you, there are other foods that can boost your memory due to their flavanol content. Dark chocolate, red wine, cherries, blueberries and certain teas.

#Spicy #Food #Phenomenally #Improves #Memory

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