2023-10-15 16:18:26
15 October 2023, 09:48 PM IST
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Sleep plays a major role in maintaining the health of the body. Various health problems are also seen in people who lack sleep. A new study says that delaying sleep even by just ninety minutes can have a significant impact on heart health.
Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to heart disease later in life. Studies have shown that those who cope well with sleep deprivation are more likely to have heart problems than those who get enough sleep. Researchers at Columbia University are behind the study.
The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports. The discovery of the risk of heart disease was made by studying the changes in the body of those who sleep very little. The study was conducted by observing regarding a thousand women. Their sleep pattern was also checked for twelve weeks. For the first six weeks, he slept seven to eight hours, and for the next six weeks, he slept an hour and a half later than usual. It was later discovered that lack of sleep damages blood vessels and causes heart disease.
The researchers who participated in the study say that if you get into the habit of sleeping for seven to eight hours every day, you can avoid many problems. Researchers also show that young, healthy adults are stressing heart health by cutting back on their sleep.
A recent study has shown that people who do not get enough sleep are more likely to have a stroke later in life. The study conducted by researchers from the University of Galway in Ireland was published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Some tips to improve sleep
Keep a regular bedtime every day.Sleep following turning off the light.Do not use TV or mobile phone for half an hour before bedtime.Do not think regarding things that make you feel anxious or stressed. Avoid eating on a full stomach before going to bed. Healthy exercise during the day is also beneficial.
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