Improving Detention Center Reintegration: Challenges and Progress

2023-12-15 19:00:28

The establishment now has 29 detention counselors. The necessary frame of 37 is not yet filled.

Rolly Katanga has been there since the opening of the detention center and maintains a good relationship with its occupants. “We sit with them, we talk, it’s great. They explain to us their path, what pushed them to do what they did. And we help them move forward. CFor those who don’t have a computer, we lend them one so that they can do their research to find training or a job. We really want to push them towards their exit“.

The objective announced by management is to promote successful reintegration. “L’hope is that our approach reduces the risk of recurrence“. Even if, for Carine Cartelle, the project is still a “work in progress”. “SWhile some of us already have extensive prison experience, we are all new to this new approach. We learn together every day“.

Too brief training

Among the detention supervisors on duty, there are a few experienced veterans but above all many young people, recently hired to fill the cadre. Some started a few months ago and completed three weeks of training. Others have just started and are not yet trained.

A situation that worries unions. For Laurent Lardinois, CGSP union delegate, “ recruitment must continue. We need a mixed team with new agents and agents who have experience to allow, in the event of a possible incident, to be able to control the situation as professionally as possible.

For young people who are starting out, it invites reinforcement of the training process. “IThey must be trained before taking up their position. Very intensive basic training must be implemented as quickly as possible. This is not the case currently“.

The trade unionist nevertheless welcomes the implementation of this new prison approach. Detention centers are the solution of the future according to him. And if he mentions a complicated start 6 months ago – “a little improvisation” – today he welcomes good cohesion between management and staff.

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