Improving Competitiveness in African Economies: Recommendations from the Ivorian Employers’ CGECI Academy

2023-10-27 21:15:14

The Ivorian Employers, at the end of the 11th edition of the CGECI Academy, developed recommendations to improve the competitiveness of African economies, in a report.

The 2023 edition of the CGECI Academy, the 11th economic forum of the General Confederation of Enterprises of Côte d’Ivoire (Cgeci, Ivorian Patronat), held from October 26 to 27, 2023 in Abidjan, had the theme “Sustainable growth of businesses in Africa: Focus on competitiveness. »

For assured competitiveness, private sector players want the notion of security to be integrated into the heart of global business strategies, particularly for SMEs. They call for strengthening training courses and increasing skills in business safety and security.

The report challenges executives to identify and map security risks, in order to understand and prioritize security investment. This should make it possible to reduce costs linked to risks, particularly in terms of cybercrime.

On human capital, the panelists called for an acceleration of reforms in the education system (general and technical) for a better match between training and employment, and to set up an observatory to better understand skills needs and anticipate developments in professions. .

Concerning the tourism industry, a lever for the development of services and economies, the participants recommended the construction of a real industry through a value chain approach integrating culture, infrastructure, financing, skills training and regional destinations. .

A table on industrial development, discussed the sharing of know-how and skills all along the value chains in each sector of activity like an industrial intelligence and innovation platform, to optimize processes and improve competitiveness.

The report recommends lowering the costs of production factors such as energy, through the development of public-private partnerships to find alternative solutions and improve efficiency.

It also calls on States to encourage the development of local intermediary companies or subcontractors throughout the industrial value chain, through public incentive policies (tax incentives for example).

With a view to guaranteeing food security, the report emphasizes agro-industry to transform raw materials. It recommends the promotion of agricultural banks capable of taking into account the financing needs of players in the sector.

The work of this “Academy” made it possible to reaffirm the central role of the Private sector as a driver of economic growth in Africa, and the need to act without delay so that businesses and economies become more competitive, in an international environment. increasingly competitive.

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The president of the Ivorian Employers’ Association, Ahmed Cissé, maintained that to achieve this, it is necessary to bring together the conditions of a business environment and an attractive, dynamic regulatory framework; and transparency in market rules.

For him, we also need a training system and quality human capital, reasonable production factor costs, support from public authorities for access to international markets, as well as robust Local Content policies and an institutional framework. adapted to promote and bring out national champions.

Ivorian Prime Minister Robert Mambé said that to meet the demands of sustainable growth, “companies must adapt and implement innovative strategies to remain competitive while being responsible.”

Robert Mambé estimated that “the future of African companies is expressed in a matrix, (and) this future requires permanent research to place the cursors where it is necessary, when it is necessary, as it is done. This means that innovation is the foundation of your future.”

In Ivory Coast, the private sector remains the leading investor with 2/3 of investments. Driving force of the economy, it is the leading employer with 83% of formal jobs and the main contributor to the State’s budgetary resources at 90%.

The Scientific Committee also invited African leaders to direct research funding and encourage the creation of research centers in identified growth sectors, and to facilitate the development of ecosystems through incentives for the creation of innovative companies.


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