Improvement in the filling rate of 3 major water basins after the recent rainfall.

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

An improvement was recorded in the filling rate of 3 major water basins after the recent rainfall.

In this context, the recent rainfall in several Moroccan regions had a noticeable impact on the water situation, as it contributed to improving the filling rate of dams in three major basins after 6 years of drought and climate change.

In the Ker-Ziz-Gris Basin, the filling rate of dams rose to 39.58% as of Wednesday, September 25, 2024, compared to 27.8% on the same day last year, and the Hassan Al-Dakhel Dam recorded a filling rate of 47.7% thanks to water imports that amounted to 149.1%. million cubic metres.

As for the Draa-Oued Noun Basin, the filling rate of dams reached 28.14%, compared to 21% on the same day of the previous year, and the Mansour Dahabi Dam in Ouarzazate is considered one of the most prominent dams that benefited from the rainfall, as the volume of water stored in it reached 178 million meters. cubic, with a filling rate of 40%, according to what was reported by the official electronic platform (Dialna Water) of the Ministry of Equipment and Water.

In turn, the Malwiya Basin witnessed a noticeable improvement, as the filling rate of its dams reached 36.34% as of September 25, 2024, compared to 33.8% in the same period last year, and three dams in this basin were able to reach a 100% filling rate, thanks to water imports that amounted to 222 million cubic meters during the last two weeks.

These data confirm the importance of rainfall in enhancing water resources in Morocco, which will contribute to improving the availability of drinking water and irrigation and enhance water security in the country.

#Improvement #filling #rate #major #water #basins #rainfall
2024-09-27 18:39:12



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