Improve Performance to Revive Your Organization

The National Conference was held at the Djokosoetono Auditorium, Faculty of Law, UI on Saturday (7/9/2024) and appointed Meggy Tri Buana as Chair of the UI Notary Association. (Special Doc.)

THE newly elected Chairperson of the Notary Alumni Association (IKA) of the University of Indonesia (UI) must further enliven the organization by improving performance and implementing more varied flagship programs.

This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for the 2nd IKA Notariat UI National Conference, Amalia Anggun Sari, in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday (8/9/2024).

“Improve performance and present varied programs. That can revive the IKA Notariat UI organization,” said Amalia.

The National Conference was held at the Djokosoetono Auditorium, Faculty of Law, UI on Saturday (7/9/2024) and has appointed Meggy Tri Buana as Chair of the UI Notary Association for the 2024-2029 period. .

Of the 468 registered participants, 264 members of IKA Notariat UI were recorded to have attended this national conference. They came from alumni who were newly graduated students, alumni who were already retired, alumni who were notaries and also non-notaries.

“The Chairperson of the UI Notary Association for the 2024-2029 period is expected to be more visionary so that this organization can provide benefits to alumni and the wider community,” continued Amalia.

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Meanwhile, Meggy Tri Buana asserted that the national conference was quite tense. Unlike the previous event which held an acclamation to elect the IKA chairman, the second national conference was attended by three candidates.

“In the previous national conference, we had acclamation, the first experience was certainly surprising, shocking and quite tense. And honestly, all three candidates are very good and I really appreciate the existence of the candidates,” said Meggy.

Meggy received 120 votes, beating two other candidates, namely Alwesius with 91 votes and Maya Hasanah with 37 votes.

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He will try to realize his vision and mission, namely building a cross-professional alumni channel. “Alumni are not only those who work as notaries, but also many other professions,” he said.

The previous chairman of IKA Notariat UI, Agung Iriantoro, emphasized that Meggy carries a big responsibility. He hopes that his successor truly understands how to develop IKA.

“I think we definitely expect a leader who really understands IKA. Of course, a leader who has a big responsibility to maintain IKA’s name,” he said.

#Improve #Performance #Revive #Organization



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