Impostor Veterinarian Under Scrutiny Following Failed Cesarean Procedure in Medellín

Photo: Prosecutor’s Office

In the Santo Domingo Savio neighborhood of Medellín, a man identified as Luis Fernando Galvis Blanco has been prosecuted by the Prosecutor’s Office for allegedly posing as a veterinarian and perform surgical procedures that proved fatal for a dog named ‘Susy’ and her two puppies.

The case has sparked outrage among the community and animal rights organizations, who are demanding justice for what they consider a flagrant case of animal abuse and professional fraud.

The incident occurred on November 8, 2023, when Galvis Blanco was urgently called to care for ‘Susy’, a dog that was about to give birth. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the accused proceeded to perform a cesarean section and a tubal ligation without having the necessary credentials or professional training to carry out this type of medical procedure.

As a result of what has been described as poor veterinary practices, both of Susy’s puppies died during the operation, leaving the dog in critical condition. Despite being transferred to another veterinary center, ‘Susy’ also lost her life hours later.

Investigations carried out by the Special Group for the Fight against Animal Abuse (Gelma) of the Medellín Sectional Prosecutor’s Office revealed that Galvis Blanco did not have a professional degree accrediting him as a veterinarian. This detail was key for the Prosecutor’s Office to charge him with the crimes of animal abuse and personal falsification. At his appearance before a judge, Galvis Blanco did not accept the charges and, although he will remain linked to the judicial process, he still faces the possibility of severe criminal sanctions.

Since the enactment of Law 1774 of 2016, people convicted of animal abuse that causes death or serious injury to an animal may face sentences of up to 3 years in prisonIn addition, the law provides for the possibility of fines that can reach 50 times the current legal minimum monthly wage.

2024-09-15 22:26:00
#Man #posed #veterinarian #Medellin #performed #failed #cesarean #section #investigation

What charges is‌ the man facing ⁤for posing as a veterinarian and ‍causing​ the deaths of a dog and her puppies?

Man ⁤Prosecuted for Posing as Veterinarian⁢ and Causing⁣ Death of Dog and Her‍ Puppies

In a ‌disturbing and heartbreaking incident, ‍a man in Medellín, Colombia has been prosecuted for⁣ allegedly posing as a⁤ veterinarian and⁤ performing a series of botched surgical procedures that led to the death of a dog named ‘Susy’ and her two⁢ puppies. The shocking case has ‍sparked outrage among the community and animal rights ⁢organizations, who are demanding justice‍ for what they consider⁤ a ⁢flagrant⁢ case of‍ animal abuse and professional ⁤fraud.

The Incident

On ‌November 8, 2023, Luis ‍Fernando Galvis Blanco was called to care‍ for ‘Susy’, a dog that was about to give birth. Instead of seeking the ‌help⁢ of‌ a qualified veterinarian, Galvis Blanco,⁢ who had no professional training or credentials,⁤ proceeded‌ to perform a cesarean section​ and a tubal​ ligation. The consequences ⁢of his actions were devastating, with both ‍of⁢ Susy’s puppies dying during the operation. Despite⁣ being transferred to another veterinary center, ‘Susy’⁤ also lost her life​ hours later.

Investigation and Charges

An investigation by the Special Group for the Fight against Animal Abuse (Gelma) of the Medellín Sectional Prosecutor’s⁤ Office ⁣revealed‍ that Galvis Blanco did not​ have ‌a⁣ professional degree accrediting him ⁢as a veterinarian. This crucial detail​ led to the Prosecutor’s⁢ Office charging him with the⁤ crimes of‍ animal abuse and personal falsification.

Consequences of Animal Abuse

Animal abuse is a serious issue that has severe consequences not​ only for the animals involved but also for the community at large. In this case, the lack of⁣ professional training and credentials led to the tragic‍ death of three innocent animals. The incident serves as a stark reminder ⁣of the importance of seeking qualified ‍professionals ​when it comes to animal care and the need for stricter ​regulations ‌to prevent such cases from happening in ‌the future.

Animal Rights Organizations Demand Justice

The case has sparked outrage among animal rights organizations, who are demanding justice for the ‌senseless killing of ‘Susy’ and her⁤ puppies. The organizations are ‌calling for stricter laws and ⁤regulations to prevent ⁢individuals from‍ posing as veterinarians and for better protection of⁣ animals from‍ abuse ​and neglect.

Prevention of Animal Abuse

To prevent such cases from happening in the future, it is essential ⁤to⁢ raise awareness about the importance of seeking qualified professionals when it comes to animal care. Pet owners ‍must do their due diligence in‍ researching and verifying the credentials of veterinarians before entrusting them with the care of their pets. Additionally, stricter laws and regulations⁤ must be put in place⁤ to prevent⁣ individuals from posing as veterinarians and to hold them accountable for any cases of animal abuse or ‍neglect.


The tragic case of ‘Susy’ and her puppies serves as ​a​ stark reminder of the importance of protecting ‍animals from abuse ‌and ⁤neglect. It⁢ is essential that we demand justice for ⁢those responsible and work towards creating a⁣ society where animals​ are treated with respect and ⁣dignity. By raising awareness and taking preventive measures,‍ we can prevent such cases from happening in ‌the future and ensure that ⁤animals receive the care and protection they deserve.

Keywords: animal abuse, veterinarian, prosecution, animal rights ⁢organizations, justice,⁢ prevention of animal abuse.

– What legal consequences does a person face when found guilty of posing as a veterinarian?

Man Prosecuted for Posing as Veterinarian and Causing Death of Dog and Her Puppies

In a disturbing and heartbreaking incident, a man in Medellín, Colombia has been prosecuted for allegedly posing as a veterinarian and performing a series of botched surgical procedures that led to the death of a dog named ‘Susy’ and her two puppies



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