Impossible Burger: Tests reveal high levels of glyphosate, controversial herbicide

2024-08-14 13:01:46

The plant-based burger industry is booming as more people turn to plant-based alternatives to reduce their meat consumption. Among the best-known companies in the field, Impossible Foods stands out with its flagship Impossible Burger, which uses a special ingredient: heme, or soybean hemoglobin (SLH), to mimic the taste and texture of beef. However, a recent report revealed that this ingredient is made from genetically modified (GMO) soybeans and may pose health risks.

Controversial ingredients and health risks

The Impossible Burger gets its unique texture and flavor from heme, a compound derived from legumin in genetically modified soybeans. According to a report by American Moms (MAM), this ingredient has raised concerns because it may be linked to organ damage observed in laboratory animals. Additionally, laboratory tests conducted by MAM revealed alarming levels of glyphosate in the Impossible Burger, a controversial herbicide classified as “possibly dangerous to humans” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2015. carcinogen”.

Glyphosate: Cancer link increasingly difficult to ignore

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, has been the focus of controversy since the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a possible carcinogen. Although Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, has denied the claims, several lawsuits have been ruled in favor of plaintiffs claiming exposure to the substance can lead to the formation of cancer. Testing by American Moms showed that the Impossible Burger contained 11 times more glyphosate residue than its main competitor, the Beyond Burger, which contains no genetically modified ingredients and contains much lower levels of the herbicide.

Health experts’ concerns

Zen Honeycutt, executive director of Moms Across America, is deeply concerned about popular misconceptions about the Impossible Burger. She said many consumers mistakenly believe the product is a healthy choice, ignoring the potential risks associated with consuming GMOs and glyphosate. His group’s testing found that the Impossible Burger contained 11.3 parts per billion (ppb) of glyphosate, while the Beyond Burger contained just 1 ppb. Research shows that even concentrations as low as 0.1 ppb glyphosate can impair gene function and cause severe organ damage in rats.

Food security is in question

Before reaching the mass market, the Impossible Burger relied on research conducted by scientists associated with organizations such as the Bill Gates Foundation and Monsanto. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not been able to conclusively determine the safety of soy legumin for human consumption. Impossible Foods’ decision to sell its product despite the FDA’s reservations has prompted growing concern from health experts, including Dr. Michael Hansen of Consumers Union, who sharply criticized the decision to sell its product without reliable data proving its safety. circumstances to introduce this genetically modified protein into the human diet.

in conclusion

Although the Impossible Burger is viewed by many as a healthy alternative to meat, it has raised serious food safety concerns due to its genetically modified ingredients and the presence of glyphosate. Consumers eager to make more sustainable and healthy food choices should be aware of the potential risks associated with such products and consider safer alternatives, such as meat from regenerative agriculture, which have benefits for health and the environment.


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