Important tips before buying a gaming computer

Follow-up – Jawdat Nasri

If you want a PC that can handle the demands of your favorite games, whether you’re a casual gamer or a competitive gamer, you need a system that can deliver smooth, reliable performance.

Here are some tips for finding a suitable gaming PC:

1 – Determine if you want to build and assemble the computer or buy a pre-made one

The first thing you have to decide is if you want to build your own computer or if you would rather buy a pre-assembled one, building the system gives you confidence when upgrading parts or diagnosing hardware issues, the downside is that you will need to spend more time Looking for the parts and making sure everything is.
Pre-built systems are easier to get started with. Plus, because whoever builds the system buys parts in bulk, they can offer cheap prices so you can sometimes get premium hardware for less money than if you bought the same components yourself.

2 – major manufacturers

There are a number of companies that make gaming PCs, but some of them include Alienware (owned by Dell), MSI, and Razer that offer a range of systems with high-performance components and customizable options.

3- Check the most important gaming components

The most important components of a gaming computer are the processor and graphics card. The processor (also known as the CPU) is the brain of the computer, and is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations.
And when it comes to gaming, you want a processor that can handle multiple threads and has a fast clock speed. Some of the best processors for gaming include the Core i5 and i7 from Intel, as well as the Ryzen 5 and 7 from AMD.
The graphics card is what creates the graphics on the screen, so it’s important for visually detailed games like The Witcher 3 or Rise of the Tomb Raider.
The processor may be Intel or AMD, where AMD processors are slightly cheaper than their Intel equivalents.
The graphics card can be from Nvidia or AMD, with AMD usually being the most affordable option available.

4 – SSD vs HDD

Solid-state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) are two types of storage units used in computers.
SSDs are faster and more reliable than hard disk drives, but they are also more expensive.
And for gaming, an SSD is generally a better choice because it can reduce loading times and improve overall performance.
However, you might want to consider using a combination SSD for your operating system and games and a hard drive for your other files to save money.

5 – the motherboard

The motherboard is the computer’s main circuit board, and it connects all the other components together. When choosing a gaming motherboard, you’ll want to consider factors such as the type of processor it supports, the number of USB ports it has, and the quality of the audio and networking components. Some of the best gaming motherboard manufacturers include ASUS And MSI and Gigabyte.

6 – Cooling methods

Gaming PCs can generate a lot of heat, which can affect performance and shorten system life. To keep your PC running great, you’ll need to consider the cooling methods your manufacturer is using.
Some options include air cooling “using fans” and liquid cooling “using a system of tubes and radiators”.

7- Planning for the future

It’s impossible to know what requirements might come in the future, however, you can make some plans to ensure your system lasts longer before you need to replace it.
First, think regarding how you will upgrade your system following a while. If you get a computer that has a good processor and motherboard but not so good graphics, you can buy a new graphics card later and install it relatively simply.
You can also add more RAM to your builds in the future.
But if you need to upgrade your processor, you’ll usually need to upgrade your motherboard as well, following which you’ll often end up replacing the entire system you built.
And if you’re looking for longevity, you should prioritize your processor and motherboard.
Although different types of motherboard won’t have much impact on gaming performance, they will provide different features such as support for M.2 SSD drives.
Even if you don’t use an M.2 drive now, you may need one in the future. Therefore, you must have a motherboard that supports most of the modern components.
Another factor in how long your system will last is the reliability of the components, and first-time buyers often choose a cheap PSU because it doesn’t seem that important.
But a cheap PSU can fail and damage other components in your system.



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