Important rules for maintaining health

A healthy lifestyle has become a real mainstream – a lot of gadgets for sports and healthy sleep have appeared, and people are increasingly thinking regarding how to maintain their health for many years. In this article, we will talk regarding what you need to do to look good and stay young for as long as possible.

Healthy sleep

During sleep, the body undergoes important processes aimed at restoring it. Therefore, it is important to sleep well. Learn to fall asleep and wake up at the same time so as not to knock down biorhythms. The bed for quality sleep should be flat and moderately hard. The duvet is light and breathable.

On a flat bed, the weight of the body is evenly distributed, the muscles are completely relaxed, the spine is straightened and the gaps between the vertebrae increase, which prevents squeezing of the nerves and blood vessels. This means that the internal organs are saturated with oxygen, which they did not receive throughout the day. This is important for maintaining the health of organs and the whole organism.

Physical activity Maintain an active lifestyle. A lack of movement leads to the development of many diseases of the heart, blood vessels and the oxygen transport system.

Try to walk at least 10 km a day. Movement prevents stagnation of blood. Blood supplies oxygen and nutrients to all cells and tissues.

Do your exercises. It will help your body finally wake up and tune in to a productive active day, make you more attentive and purposeful. When sitting, change your body position regularly. Every 20-30 minutes, get up and warm up – stand on one leg, sit on your knees, stretch, jump, stretch your feet. If you are not allowed to get up because of the workplace, at least fidget in your chair more often or pick up exercises that you can do while sitting.

Peace of mind at home and family

Create a calm, comfortable environment in your home. Home should be a place for you to return to following a hard day at work. If you do not feel like returning home following a hard day’s work, you urgently need to change something. If the matter is in family conflicts, consult a psychologist, try to improve relations with your loved ones or break them off. Remember, many diseases are from the nerves. Take care of them, because there is nothing more valuable than health.

The right response to stress

It is impossible to avoid stressful situations all your life. However, you can learn to respond to them correctly and painlessly for health. If you feel overstrained and tired, it is important to relieve tension and relax in time. This can be done in many ways – someone likes to read books or go for a walk, and someone gets positive emotions from playing online slots. Choose what suits you best.

Body and Environmental Hygiene

Take care of your body, because you have to live in it all your life. Observe hygiene, maintain the right microclimate in the house, wear clean and comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics, get out into nature more often.

No bad habits

Get rid of bad habits. And the sooner you do it, the less harm you will do to your health.

Balanced and balanced diet

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. The body must receive all the nutrients necessary for a full-fledged life – proteins, healthy fats, slow carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and others. And in the right quantities. Give preference to healthy natural products. Don’t overeat. At normal weight, consume exactly as many calories as the body spends per day. If you are overweight, reduce your calorie intake slightly and exercise to increase calorie expenditure.



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