Important revelations of Mufti Saeed and Aoon Chaudhry

Mufti Saeed and Aoon Chaudhry recorded the statement in the marriage case of chairman PTI and Bushra Bibi, Mufti Saeed said in the statement that the marriage on January 1 was illegal and the marriage ceremony was illegal.

The case related to the marriage of Chairman PTI and Bushra Bibi was heard in the civil court, Mufti Saeed, who teaches marriage, recorded the statement.

Mufti Saeed said in the statement that the chairman had a very good relationship with PTI and was also a member of the core committee. Remove from, the chairman went to Lahore with PTI, there were other men and women there, a lady who called herself Bushra Bibi’s sister asked him if the marriage conditions were fulfilled, I was told that the Shariah conditions of the marriage were fulfilled. are full

On which the judge asked that if Bushra Bibi was present, did you ask her, then Mufti Saeed said that it is customary to ask the dear relatives of the woman, in February 2018 Chairman PTI and Bushra. Contacted for BB’s remarriage.

The judge said that you can tell me the name of who contacted you for remarriage, then Mufti Sahib said that I do not remember the name of who contacted me for remarriage, Bushra Bibi was divorced by her first husband in November 2017. Chairman PTI told me that the marriage on January 1, 2018 was necessary because, it was said that after his marriage, Chairman PTI will occupy a high position.

Mufti Saeed further stated in the statement that the marriage on January 1 was illegal and the marriage ceremony was illegal, both of them deliberately conducted an illegal marriage ceremony. He taught orally in Bani Gala.

During the hearing, Aun Chaudhry, the witness of the marriage, also recorded his statement. In his statement, he said that my name is Aun Saqlain, he is related to the Stability Pakistan Party, he was the political and personal secretary of Chairman PTI and was very close, and he divorced Reham Khan. Chairman PTI gave it in November 2015 at the behest of Bushra Bibi.

Aun Chaudhry said that at the time of the divorce, Reham Khan was flying abroad, given by email, on 31st December 2017, I was told that the marriage to Bushra Bibi is to be held on 1st January 2018 in Lahore, I was told to make arrangements for the marriage. The chairman told PTI that Bushra Bibi is a married woman.

The marriage witness said that Chairman PTI told that Bushra Bibi was divorced, I went to Lahore with Chairman PTI and Zulfi Bukhari, on January 1, 2018, Mufti Saeed performed Nikah in our presence. I am also a witness.

He said that on Mufti Saeed’s inquiry, it was told that Bushra Bibi had been divorced, the accessories were complete, after finding out the details, Mufti Saeed conducted the marriage, after the marriage, it was found out through the media that the marriage took place during the Eid, the Eid. The period was completed from 14th to 18th February, re-marriage was taught orally in February 2018.

Aun Chaudhry added in the statement that Zulfi Bukhari and I were also present in the second marriage. The first marriage was fraudulent and illegal.

#Important #revelations #Mufti #Saeed #Aoon #Chaudhry
2024-09-03 06:33:21



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