“Important for grooms.” The right time to buy gold before its price rises

The price of gold fluctuates between an increase and a decrease over the course of the hours of one day, but the increase is at a greater rate than the decrease, and therefore officials make a number of statements regarding the optimal time for buying, as well as in relation to selling, according to the data of the gold price scene worldwide.

Tips for those who are about to buy gold

As a result, the advisor to the Minister of Supply for Gold Industry Affairs, Naji Farag, said that the price of gold in Egypt is closely related to its global price, meaning that it is not isolated from it, and he added in press statements to him that the price of gold depends on several factors, on top of which is the price of the pound. Gold in front of a basket of currencies, as well as supply and demand and changes in them.

And the advisor to the Minister of Supply for gold industry affairs continued, in his speech, that the price of gold changes periodically throughout the day, as the first hours of the day’s dealings begin at a price, and the day’s dealings end at a price on the same day. He also gave advice to citizens about buying gold; As a commodity of high value; Because it is a source of high value, it also represents a strategic reserve for individuals.

gold prices

And the advisor to the Minister of Supply for Gold Industry Affairs indicated, in a message to citizens, that they should buy gold during the current period, provided that the following is followed: “Buy artifacts, and not bullion, because the workmanship has become one, in artifacts, the pound of gold and bullion.”

Gold prices at the end of today’s trading

The prices at the current moment are as follows:

caliber The price is in Egyptian pounds
24 carat (the most circulated in the Gulf) The selling price reached 200 pounds, while the purchase price reached 2,023 pounds.
22 caliber The selling price reached 1833 pounds, while the purchase price reached 1854 pounds.
21 carat (the most circulated in Egypt) The selling price reached 1750 pounds, while the purchase price reached 1770 pounds.
18 carat (the most circulated in Lower Egypt) The selling price reached 1,500 pounds, while the purchase price reached 1,517 pounds.
14 karat The selling price reached 1176 pounds, while the purchase price reached 1,180 pounds.
12 karat The selling price reached 1,000 pounds, while the purchase price reached 1,011 pounds.
ounce The selling price reached 62,200 pounds, while the purchase price reached 62,911 pounds.
gold pound The selling price reached 14,000 pounds, while the purchase price reached 14,160 pounds.

kilo of gold

The selling price reached 2,000,000, while the purchase price reached 2,022,857.
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The prices of gold jewelry in the governorates and shops differ according to the workmanship during the hours of today, Monday, and the change is due to the difference that occurs in the transactions according to the region where the goldsmiths’ shops are located and each merchant, and according to what is in each piece of the forms, its weight in grams and the way it is formed.

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