Implementing Xi Jinping’s Instructions: Enhancing the Work of City Party Committee and Government Offices

2023-11-03 23:24:00

On November 3, a meeting of directors of the city’s party committee and government offices was held. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the work of the General Office in the new era, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the national and provincial party committee and government secretary-general meetings, summarized exchange work, and arranged and deployed the city’s office system work. Municipal Party Committee Secretary Liu Qiang put forward requirements for the work of the city’s party committee and government offices (offices) before the meeting. Li Guoqiang, member of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General, attended and delivered a speech. Chen Yong, Secretary-General of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, attended. Han Zhenguo, Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, presided over and made a concluding speech.

Liu Qiang pointed out that in recent years, the city’s party committee and government offices (offices) have deeply implemented the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “Five Persistences”, achieved new results in the “three services” work, and made important contributions to the overall situation of the city. Currently, Jinan is in a critical period of accelerating the construction of a strong provincial capital with socialist modernization in the new era of “Strong, New, Excellent, Rich, Beautiful and High”. The city’s party committees and government offices (offices) must set an example and demonstrate the “two safeguards” to ensure that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and requirements and the Party Central Committee’s decisions and deployments are implemented to the letter. It is necessary to set an example and set an example for the overall situation of the service center, and serve to ensure that the work of the party committee and the government continues to achieve new progress and new results. We must set an example and set an example in paying close attention to the implementation of work, and promote the implementation of various tasks. It is necessary to set an example and set an example in tempering a strong style of work, and to show new responsibilities, new actions and new atmosphere in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jinan.

The meeting emphasized that the city’s office system must thoroughly study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions on the work of the general office, firmly grasp the correct direction of the “three services” work; highlight political requirements, and firmly support the “two services” with practical actions “Establish” and resolutely achieve “two maintenances”; implement the work requirements of “quick, steady, strict, accurate and detailed” and continue to improve the work level of “three services”; continue to focus on self-construction and serve as a pioneer and leader among party and government organs at all levels in the city. Make a demonstration.

The meeting required that the city’s office system should firmly hold political beacons and build a political character of absolute loyalty; take the initiative to take on responsibilities and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the “three services”; strengthen its own construction and strive to create a model agency that reassures the party and satisfies the people.

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