Implementing the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Provincial Party Committee: Building a Modern New Qinghai | Website for Comprehensively Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the Plenary Session

2023-07-31 01:01:00

On July 25, the party group of the Qinghai Provincial Political Consultative Conference conveyed the spirit of learning from the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Provincial Party Committee. Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference Gongbao Tashi presided over and delivered a speech. Wang Zhenchang, Zhang Xiaorong, Ma Fengsheng, Li Xiaonan, Tian Kui, Liu Daye, Peng Youdong attended, and Renqing Anjie and Kuang Yong attended.

The meeting pointed out that the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Qinghai Provincial Party Committee is a critical period for the whole province to comprehensively study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out in-depth theme education, and accelerate the construction of a new socialist modernized Qinghai. Meeting. The meeting closely focused on the grand goal of building a modern new Qinghai, focused on the established strategic deployment and current key tasks, highlighted the need to focus on practical work, and mobilized the majority of cadres in the province to “want to do, dare to do, and know how to do it”. A summary and deployment meeting is also a motivational mobilization meeting.

The meeting emphasized that CPPCC organizations at all levels in Qinghai Province and members of the CPPCC should take the study and implementation of the spirit of the plenary session as an important political task at present, combined with in-depth theme education, highlight and strengthen work style construction, and take practical responsibility and practical actions , Promote the spirit of the plenary meeting to be effective. It is necessary to achieve results in learning and publicity, adopt various forms to carry out special learning, and fully and accurately grasp the connotation and essence of the spirit of the plenary session. It is necessary to achieve results in grasping the goals and requirements, focus on the key tasks deployed by the plenary session, identify the combination points and entry points, and carefully organize the implementation of consultation and discussion activities. It is necessary to achieve results in cohesion, and quickly translate the deployment requirements of the plenary session into the consensus and actions of all participating units of the CPPCC, members of the CPPCC, all cadres of the CPPCC, and all sectors of society.

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(Editors in charge: Kuang Yu, Liu Peiran)

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