2023-06-29 14:08:55
The Minister of the Economy had promised, at the beginning of June, an imminent drop in the price of many daily products. On Wednesday, the Minister Delegate for Trade drew up a non-exhaustive list of those who will be concerned.
Good news for the wallet. “From the 1st July”the price of“a number of products [alimentaires] will decrease visiblypromised Olivia Grégoire, Minister Delegate for Trade, Wednesday, June 28.
During topical questions to the government, to the Senate, she notably quoted “sunflower oil, pasta, poultry, snack products, vinegar, tea”. Several national brands, such as Danone or Panzani, have already announced reductions. A relief for the French, while food inflation over one year stood at 14.1% in May, according to INSEE.
“Industrialists do not want to renegotiate”
At the beginning of June, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, had promised that the price of hundreds of food products would fall from July, under a commitment made by 75 major agrifood manufacturers to reopen trade negotiations. with distributors.
But since then, several brands have assured that manufacturers are reluctant to discuss, raising fears of a postponement of the announced price cuts. “A handful of suppliers are showing signs, but very few”thus regretted, on Wednesday, the boss of System U, Dominique Schelcher, on Classic Radio. “We may be starting to talk regarding promotions but we have nothing significantly concrete”, he said sorry. Industrial “offer us cashews, little bits of sweets, small discounts, promotions, but they don’t want to renegotiate the agreements”added Michel-Edouard Leclerc, the president of the E.Leclerc centers, the same day on franceinfo.
Price increases on certain products
Asked regarding this, Olivia Gégoire confirmed on Thursday that negotiations were “in progress”. But on some products, like “sugar, pork, charcuterie”, you will have to wait. Their price may even continue to rise, because “commodity prices continue to be high”.
Ditto for milk, had warned at the beginning of May on franceinfo, Xavier Huard, CEO of the National Federation of Dairy Industries (Fnil). “The production and processing costs of dairy products, as we see them in our companies, are not falling”he justified, explaining that he wanted “maintain a high milk price paid to producers”.
#oil #pasta #poultry.. #products #price #drop #July