Immigration Extortion Complaints Considered Low


COMPLAINTS from the public about illegal levies (pungli) in immigration services are considered low. This shows that immigration services to the public are relatively good.

“From the existing statistical-based complaints, immigration is one of the offices with low reports. We have two bases, online report base and then public service base that comes directly to complaint posts. Well, from these two statistics, immigration is one of the offices that has a relatively very small complaint reporting record, if we look at a number of immigration service variants throughout Indonesia,” explained the Secretary of the Saber Pungli Task Force, Inspector General Andry Wibowo.

According to Andry, satisfaction with good public services is a form of consistent system improvements that are continuously carried out in various public service sectors, including immigration services.

“Earlier, we randomly and spontaneously conducted interviews with immigration customers. From the random, they generally stated that they were satisfied with the service. This means that improvements that are carried out continuously, systematically, structured, and well-evaluated have resulted in public services in the immigration sector that are also better than in the past and this was spontaneously conveyed by the public,” he added while at the Class 1 Non-TPI Bekasi Immigration Office, Tuesday (20/8).

Head of the Ombudsman RI representative for Greater Jakarta Dedy Irsan also appreciated the public services carried out by the Immigration Office, especially Class 1 Non TPI Bekasi. “We support this immigration office in obtaining the integrity zone predicate towards a clean and serving bureaucratic area,” said Dedy. (Z-2)

#Immigration #Extortion #Complaints #Considered



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