Immediately Create Certainty of Protection of Domestic Workers – 2024-04-01 01:32:08

Activists from the Civil Coalition for the Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (PRT) perform a theatrical action in Senayan, Jakarta. (ANTARA/ADITYA PRADANA PUTRA)

THE CONCERN of the DPR RI leadership in completing the discussion of the Domestic Workers Protection Bill (RUU-PPRT) is being questioned. Even though currently 1.8 million Indonesians are recorded as victims of modern slavery.

“The slow follow-up to the discussion of the PPRT Bill by the leadership of the DPR is a problem in itself. The public is doubting the seriousness of their representatives in parliament in protecting them, especially domestic workers who are often victims,” ​​said Deputy Chair of the MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat in a written statement , Thursday (28/3).

The World Slavery Report 2023 estimates that 1.8 million Indonesians are trapped as victims of modern slavery.

The figure of 1.8 million means that for every 1,000 residents there are six to seven people who are victims of slavery. This worrying condition places Indonesia in a bad position, at regional and global levels, namely ranked 10th out of 50 countries in the Asia Pacific and ranked 62nd out of 193 countries in the world.

The government’s efforts to tackle modern slavery were given a low score, namely only 50%. Indonesia is seen as not having provided a sustainable scheme to overcome modern slavery amidst weak law enforcement.

Based on JALA PRT data, in 2018-2023 there were 2,641 cases of violence against domestic workers. The majority of cases involve psychological, physical and economic violence in work situations.

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According to Lestari, in a country that has inherited just and civilized human values, allowing delays in the process of making regulations to protect domestic workers who often experience violence is questionable.

Rerie, Lestari’s nickname, hopes that as representatives of the people, the DPR leaders will be able to consistently practice human values ​​in order to protect every citizen.

This year, said Rerie, who is also a legislator from Dapil II Central Java, is the 20th year that the PPRT Bill has been processed in parliament since it was submitted in 2004.

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Various efforts have been made by civil society to accelerate the discussion of the bill, he added, but until now the PPRT Bill has not been ratified and has not even been discussed at the Level I discussion stage.

The member of the NasDem Party High Council really hopes that the PPRT Bill can soon become law at the end of the 2019-2024 DPR RI period. Moreover, said Rerie, the government has committed to speeding up the discussion of the PPRT Bill.

Rerie encouraged the DPR RI leadership to have the same enthusiasm to speed up the ratification of the PPRT Bill into law, so that the instrument of protection for every citizen, including domestic workers, can be realized immediately. (Z-6)

#Immediately #Create #Certainty #Protection #Domestic #Workers

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