Al-Marsad Newspaper – SPA: The “sakani” program announced the launch of the updated housing support program, which comes to meet the needs of the beneficiaries in line with their different financing capabilities and their need to own adequate housing, as the updated program provided various advantages and more options of financing and housing solutions that suit all segments of beneficiaries in a way. in general, and the categories most in need of ownership in particular.
Granting 150,000 non-refundable riyals
“Sakani” stated, in a press statement today, that the updated housing support program provided various solutions and benefits for beneficiaries, including immediate non-refundable financial support of up to 150 thousand riyals, in addition to in-kind support for residential units under construction, and exemption from real estate disposal tax.
The updated program also provides the beneficiary with supportive programs that enable ownership, such as the Easy Mortgage Program and the Mortgage Guarantees Program, as well as other financing and housing solutions for: the off-plan sale product, the ready-made housing unit product, the self-construction product, in addition to the “Your Land Your Support” product.
Design your support service
He added that the updated subsidy program provided the “design your subsidy” service through the real estate advisor platform, which allows the beneficiary to design his subsidy housing in accordance with his desires and needs for ownership, pointing to the possibility of benefiting from the various solutions and options for the subsidy subsidy program easily and easily through the “sakani” website and application. The e-mail is part of a list of various options with the aim of achieving the goals of the housing program – one of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 programs – by raising the percentage of ownership to 70%.