Imanol Arias returns to Argentina

The wonderful Spanish actor Imanol Arias return to Argentina and with a classic from the theater of Arthur Miller.

Imanol will reunite with the Argentine public with the work “Death of a Salesman“. Let’s remember that the last time he did theater here was in 2018 with the play “Life to Sticks” which he presented at the Teatro Maipo Cabaret.

“Consent”: the theatrical event that comes to Argentina

Directed by the Argentine Ruben Szuchmacher“The Death of a Salesman” will be presented on Saturday, May 27, at the Opera Theater the City of Buenos Aires and then will tour Córdoba, Rosario, Montevideo and more.

Let’s remember that this year also marks the 40th anniversary of the premiere of the mythical film Camilaby María Luisa Bemberg and co-starring Susú Pecoraro.


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