Imam Iquioussen loses his appeal against his expulsion to France

The suspension of the expulsion to France was refused to the Muslim preacher because, in the eyes of the Council, he could not prove that it would cause him serious damage that would be difficult to repair. “He gives no evidence to suggest that he will not benefit, in the event of surrender to France and legal proceedings in this country, from the guarantees inherent in the right to a fair trial, even after his return to Morocco. “, indicates the CCE on its website.

Born in France, Hassan Iquioussen fled to Belgium this summer after France decided at the end of July not to extend his residence permit and to send him back to his country of origin, Morocco. In question: remarks that would incite hatred and discrimination and a vision of Islam contrary to “the values ​​of the Republic”.

In its judgment, the Council also recalls “that it is not competent to hear an appeal against a decision of deprivation of liberty, which is only subject to appeal to the council chamber of the criminal court The appeal is therefore not admissible insofar as it is directed against the decision to maintain”.

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