“I’m still holding back from answering”

“This is the period when I sympathize with him even more because he is already expressing himself,” confessed Alexandros Bourdoumis.

Alexandros Bourdoumis was a guest on the set of the show “Morning at Idon” on Friday morning on public television. In fact, among other things, the popular protagonist tenderly referred to the evolution of his daily relationship with his son, Anastasis.

More specifically, Alexandros Bourdoumis confessed that “I have certainly taken many things from my son. It is also his age now, he is four, when the discussion, the consultation, the questions begin. For example you say something, we will go there and you hear “why?”. Why do we have to do this and that, “yes but why?” and so on. I’m still holding back on answering “why so”, I haven’t said that yet! To ask and to learn.”

“The main thing is that this is the period when you empathize with him even more because he is already expressing himself and you have to be there to understand what he feels and how he is.”

“Anastasis looks a bit… sly-faced!” He does some pranks of his own and it makes an impression on me. I mean, the other day he yelled at me that he hit me, I asked him what happened and he replied “I was just kidding, dad”. The sense of humor, that makes a great impression on me. Alexandros Bourdoumis also added in the entertainment show with Fotis Sergoulopoulos and Jeni Melitas on ERT. “It’s impressive, day by day something happens and something different happens.”

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#holding #answering



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