“I’m not proud, but I would act again if I saw abuse”

Professional boxer Antonio Barrul was involved in a brutal fight in a cinema in León when he saw a man grab his wife by the neck and hit a girl. In Más Vale Tarde, Barrul tells how he experienced the events, making it clear at all times that he is not proud of having acted as he did nor does he justify violence.

The young man claims that the abuser’s attitude led him to have “an impulse” that made him act as was recorded in the video of another person who was in the movie theater, hitting this man forcefully. “It forced me to confront him,” Barrul confesses.

“He has not reported me. He must not be from León, I know everyone here and we all respect each other. He has come to mistreat his wife at the movies in front of children, to hit a girl… I know that Violence is not the way; I am an athlete, I am a boxer and I like to be a role model for children. I am not proud of what I have done, but I would act like that again if I saw a man mistreat a woman,” says the boxer. .

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