“I’m leaving more than surprised”, a walk along the Vía Christi in Junín de los Andes

Holy Week was lived with a warm autumn climate in the Neuquén mountain range. Tourists filled each one of the cities, drank mates on the shores of the lakes, went for walks and walked the streets of the cities with the flavor of chocolate in their mouths. A group of friends decided to go to San Martín de los Andes to spend the four days off. On Good Friday they woke up and thought regarding what excursion they might take. They analyzed the possibilities and, without a doubt, on a day like that, all roads led to Junín de los Andes.

“We’re going to Via Christi,” said Ramiro, and his friends immediately corrected him, “it’s called Via Crucis.” They got into the car and began the debate that they carried out, in the 41 kilometers that separate both towns. It took regarding 40 minutes to arrivethe route was loaded with cars coming and going on a tourist holiday. The sun resting on the mountains made the landscape shine in the background, dominated by the king with his snowy crown: the Lanín.

Upon arrival a man indicated where to park. He warned that it would be good to bring water and sunscreen and invited to start the walking tour, which would be completed in regarding two hours. They went up a path to the construction that marks the access to the park. A girl asked them if it was their first time there, if they knew anything regarding the park and began to answer the first question that came up.

He told them that the Via Christi theme park means way of Christ and represents the life of Jesus Christ, not just the way of the cross which is the “way of the cross”. Other cultures such as the Mapuche are also represented along 2 kilometers of pedestrian route. “There are 23 stations, there are raised plaques and a mega Cristo Luz that emerges from the top of the mountain,” he said.

Alicia Ruiz, the secretary of tourism for Junín de los Andes, came and went at a fast pace through the reception of the Parque Via Christi, she attended to the tourists, organized and said that in this Holy Week received more visitors than ever. “It is seen that the diffusion arrives and more and more people choose Junín de los Andes for these dates,” he maintained and assured that The park is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day, with three guided tours at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

This Friday there was a procession, on Saturday morning the artist and creator of the entire park, the architect Alejandro Santana was the one who guided the visit and at night there was a procession to Cristo Luz, while a choir sang inside.

With calm steps, Santana also walked around the place and explained that route, which, tucked into a coniferous forest, was regarding to surprise all the people who arrived. “They will find sculptures that are larger than life, in which the stations of the Gospel are presented.of the life, death and resurrection of Christ. Also reliefs that illustrate the stations and a wonderful park, with a path that leads to those stations with guards from Latin American cultures ”, he described.

He also assured that he was inspired by the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, which is the one that was presented to an Indian in Mexico, as a mestizo and shows interculturality. “Junín de los Andes in particular, is an intercultural place, with a very strong presence of the Mapuche culture and what was taken is that everyone be one”he assured from that town in which tourism summons from religion, invites from rivers famous worldwide for fly fishing, with ascents to the wonderful Lanín or lonely and beautiful landscapes.

From General Roca had arrived Analía Altamiranda and Héctor Lambrech, with their children Zoe and Ignacio, to tour the place. It was not the first time they had been there. 19 years ago, when it was being built and there were only four statues, they had climbed that hill but they mightn’t believe what it had become.

“Aesthetically it is beautiful and for the people who believe it, the impact is even greater. The conjunction of cultures that he makes is wonderful. In addition to its size, it is beautiful”, Analía said in front of a giant statue of Jesus, walking with his disciples and Zoe, next to her, interrupted her. “The statues, the realism, the size of the hands, the feet, the realism and the expressions of the faces, seem to me to be the best”, said the little girl with a smile that illuminated.

After going through the stations, the tourists passed in front of the confectionery and began the section that was going to insume the most effort. Mauro and his little daughter walked agitated, on the climb towards Cristo Luz. He had come from Centenario and was amazed by what he found. “I was surprised by what this artist did and the content he has,” he said and recommended that those who want to go take advantage of the guided tours so as not to lose details.

Cristo Luz is a sensational work, a 40-meter glass Christ embedded in the mountain. As he zigzagged along the catwalks towards the top, Néstor took a few minutes to catch his breath, adjusted his gaucho hat and said “it seemed beautiful to me, it comes to everyone. We came with the family from Neuquén and it is a very nice experience”.

Upon reaching the head of Cristo Luz, you can enter through the back of the neck to a place with a view of the entire town. In that place, Marisol, Hugo and their family rested and enjoyed the silence, which at times was broken by the screams of some children who were playing there. They had arrived from Neuquén Capital and said, “It was difficult to go up, but it’s all very beautiful, the work that was done with the sculptures is beautiful.”

At the end of the tour, many were exhausted but moved by what they had experienced. When leaving the place, Alejandro Santana was still there, in the place he created, together with people from the Junín community, with whom they thought regarding the seasons in the light of the Gospel.

“People look very excited when they return from the park, the nature of the hill, the Gospel and art interact with what each one can capture. It’s not good that I’m the one who says it, but they reach beautiful states,” he said, and each person who came up to him in amazement to congratulate him, reaffirmed what he was embarrassed to describe.

Tickets to the place cost $300 for Neuquén residents and $400 for nationals. To go, consult the page:

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