2023-10-14 00:04:00
Photo = Online community capture A man who works in construction site delivery complained of injustice by disclosing video and photos of evidence, saying he was kicked out of a restaurant because his shoes were dirty.
Mr. A recently posted on an online community, “This happened at a restaurant in Busan. He visited a restaurant he frequented near the construction site. When we were halfway through our meal, the restaurant owner said, ‘Next time, take off your shoes before coming in. “He said, ‘The floor is dirty because the shoes are dirty,’” he wrote.
He continued, “I asked what he was talking regarding because this restaurant is a place where people wear shoes, and he said that other people who use the restaurant are uncomfortable. “Aren’t we ordinary people?” and “I’m not telling you to finish your meal and take off your shoes next time.” “I ended up eating half of my meal and mightn’t finish it anymore, so I left the video out of frustration,” he added.
The video released by Mr. A captured the argument between the two people. When Mr. A asked, “Then can I take off my shoes and go in?” the restaurant owner said, “It’s okay.” Why don’t you come? “Don’t talk any more,” he replied.
When Mr. A said once more, “Didn’t the boss say that people with dirty safety shoes aren’t even ordinary people?” the boss said once more, “Why don’t you come?” “That’s it.” When Mr. A repeatedly protested, the boss said, “I’m sorry for asking you to take off your shoes before coming in, but I…” “He said vaguely.
When asked, “Didn’t you do that while I was eating?” he apologized, saying, “I’m sorry for asking you to take off your shoes before coming in.” However, when he said, “I left more than half of my food,” he said, “Oh, you’re so picky.” “True,” he sighed. Song Chi-hoon, Donga.com reporter [email protected]
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