“I’m 95 and healthy,” Sally shares her 3 secrets to longevity

As part of its participation in a study conducted by theAmerican Federation for Aging ResearchSally Froelich, 95, shared some of her tips for living a long and healthy life with the media outlet Healthline. And you will see, that it is not so complicated.

Sally Froelich has not changed her weight for almost 50 years and she owes this in part to her balanced diet: “I eat three meals a day. I don’t eat too much“, she confided. She also indicated that she does not drink alcohol or smoke. Is it necessary to remind that alcohol and tobacco are harmful to health and reduce longevity?

Sports, diet, social life…: Sally’s secrets to longevity

In addition to having a healthy and balanced diet, Sally also practices regular physical activity: she plays golf two to three times a week and does 80 sit-ups every morning when she wakes up. A sporty wake-up call that allows her to stay in shape.

And Sally doesn’t stop there, her daily life is very active since she maintains her social life by going to play bridge once a week. As relayed Top Healthshe watches television in the evening and listens to audio books during the day. All these activities allow her to stimulate her cognitive abilities. As we know, working on the cognitive parts allows us to fight more effectively against dementia or diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

But Sally’s ultimate secret to living a long life is to be happy: “Do things that make you happy like eating ice cream and chocolate”, she confided. She also specifies that you must continue to take care of yourself to live better and stay young: “Do your hair, nails and continue to take care of your appearance.”, advised Sally.

The secret of longevity revealed…

If Sally was part of the American study, it is because her lifestyle, as well as that of 600 other participants, was studied. And the results are formal: “The ultimate goal of the study is to help us understand what, through biology, allows people to live long and healthy lives.“, explained Sofiya Milman, a national expert on aging and director of human longevity studies at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

According to the report, “It is possible to delay the onset of age-related diseases through a healthy lifestyle, although it is not known whether a healthy lifestyle will allow you to reach 95 or 100 years old.” In short, longevity is acquired through a healthy lifestyle and personal development.



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