Illnesses incompatible with driving: in 2022, which ones?

In 2022, the government updated the list of diseases prohibiting driving in France. The law is changing for diabetics, Alzheimer’s patients, people with severe motor and hearing disabilities. List, medical check: update on the rules for safe riding.

Because of their diseases, some drivers should not drive. To avoid endangering yourself and others. The most frequently encountered driving incompatibilities are epilepsythe vision problems important, the cognitive disorders and the cardiac pathologies the heaviest, as well as the disorders caused by addictions to the alcohol or products narcotics. Any medical condition that could interfere with driving should be taken into consideration, reminds the site of the Road safety. The list of diseases incompatible with driving has been modified by a decree published in Official newspaper in March 2022 repealing that of 2005.

What are the changes in the decree of March 28, 2022?

► The opening of the pipeincluding heavy vehicles (heavy goods vehicles, public transport vehicles, etc.) to people who suffer from these disabling pathologies.

People with very heavy motor disabilities and severe visual or hearing impairment will now be able to drive heavy goods vehicles and public transport vehicles, after an examination validated by a certified doctor and a driving license inspector.

The diabetics whose treatment does not generate a risk of hypoglycaemiaare no longer required to pass a medical check for driving light vehicles (cars and two-wheelers).

The law is also changing for people with neuro-evolutionary pathologies such as the disease d’Alzheimer : they can drive until the appearance of a mild cognitive decline, in other words from the beginning of stage 3 of the Reisberg scalewhich measures disease progression.

What diseases prohibit driving?

Here are the contraindications to driving established by the Road safety :

  • Somnolence excessive untreated or if drowsiness persists despite treatment.
  • Epilepsy declared: with last attack dating from less than one year, or within six months following a single attack, or within six months following the cessation or modification of a treatment.
  • Alzheimer : appearance of a mild cognitive decline, beginning of stage 3 of the Reisberg scale.
  • Acute and chronic psychosis in the event of clinical manifestations that may interfere with driving.
  • visual impairment : if visual acuity is less than 5/10, vision is not compatible with driving. On the other hand, if one of the two eyes has an acuity of less than 1/10, and the other eye has an acuity greater than or equal to 5/10, vision is compatible, provided that bilateral mirrors are fitted. .
  • Physical disability (amputations, ankylosis, limb injuries, neurological injuries and motor deficits following an incident, etc.): if it is not possible to arrange the vehicle and that physical incapacity constitutes a excess risk for driving.
  • A physical dependence on psychotropic drugs or alcohol
  • Diabetes : if the driver is affected bysevere hypoglycemia and, requiring the assistance of a third person, and recurring (more than two attacks in 12 months).

For all these manifestations, a medical examination to determine fitness to drive is required. Following a stroke or head trauma, the sequelae are also to be sought.

Who must pass a medical examination?

The medical visit is mandatory in the following cases:

  • You have a illness incompatible with the issue of the permit
  • You pass the license A or B and you have a physical incapacity incompatible with obtaining a license
  • You pass license A or B to drive a vehicle adapted for a handicap
  • You pass the license A, A1, A2, B or B1 and you have an invalidity pension, civil or military
  • The examiner asks you to pass a medical examination after the examination of the license

The person suffering from certain medical conditions (see list above) must pass a medical check before passing his driving license according to thearticle R226-1 of the Highway Code. “The medical control of fitness to drive consists of an assessment of the physical, cognitive and sensory fitness of the candidate for the driving license or the license holder.” The candidate for the permit or the person already holding the permit must submit to this medical examination on their own initiative. “Whether you are a driver’s license candidate who have a health problemor already holder of a driving license and suffering from medical condition considered incompatible with maintaining the right to driveor requiring an adjustment of this right, you must pass a medical examination”, says Road Safety. The medical visit costs 36 €. Health insurance does not cover the costs of the medical examination, nor any additional examinations. The average price of a psychotechnical examination is approximately €100. The medical check is free for one person disabled whose recognized degree of invalidity is equal to or greater than 50%.

Sources :

– Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, severe locomotor or hearing disabilities, etc., government press release. 03 April 2022

– Driving license and medical check-up for health reasons, government press release, 24 January 2022.

– Medical fitness to drive, National Council of the Order of Physicians, March 26, 2019.

– Road safety website

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