Illinois Eliminates Food Tax: How Will It Impact?

Illinois has taken a significant step by eliminating the state’s 1% tax on food, a decision recently signed by Governor Jay Robert Pritzker.

This measure is part of a broader effort to ease the economic burden faced by state residents, especially in a context marked by persistent inflation.

Pritzker presented the elimination as a response to the growing economic pressure on families, noting that “every dollar counts as families struggle with rising prices.”


The elimination of this tax, although it may seem like a minor relief, comes in a context where food prices have increased by around 20% since 2020.

This is due to factors such as the pandemic, disease outbreaks and global conflicts. While experts anticipate that prices will continue to rise, they are expected to do so at a slower pace.

However, some Chicago residents are skeptical about the real effects of this measure on their daily expenses.


It is important to note that while the state tax is being eliminated for most groceries, it will still apply to items such as alcohol and soft drinks.

Additionally, local governments have the option to levy their own taxes, meaning the impact of this measure may vary in different areas of Illinois.

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With this action, Illinois joins a select group of states that have decided to eliminate or reduce food taxes.

This is in line with a broader trend of addressing the tax burden on essential products and improving the quality of life of its citizens.

With information from TV Azteca.


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#Illinois #Eliminates #Food #Tax #Impact
2024-08-10 08:53:39



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