“I’ll name it.” What transpires about the Commission –

In the case of the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi we are once again talking about the “London lead” which directly involves the Vatican. Pietro Orlandi, brother of the Vatican citizen who disappeared in 1983, in an interview with Verissimo revealed a new name which he said could be directly involved in the kidnapping of the woman who was 15 years old at the time. “It was a former Nar called Vittorio Baioni” the man who would have put him on the “London track” and who would have acted as Emanuela’s jailer, said Piero Orlandi claiming that his sister would have been taken to London and kept hidden until at least until 1993. Baioni, says Pietro Orlandi, “was a former Nar, friend of Valerio Fioravanti and others involved” in the Bologna massacre. “Since no one is looking for it, I’ll name it – he adds – the London track is the most important but no one wants to deal with it”.

Orlandi, that detail revealed by the Amerikano. The Ultimate Mystery: How Did He Know?

In February, in the same program hosted by Silvia Toffanin on Canale 5, Orlandi said he had been contacted by a person who claimed that Emanuela Orlandi had been brought to London for an affair linked to pedophilia. “Emanuela was in London, in a small apartment managed by the Scalabrinians. She was pregnant, and had been admitted to hospital to terminate the pregnancy. Or at least, that’s what this person would make me understand”, Pietro had told Verissimo who had received some documents in regard.

The Bulgarian secret services, the attack on the Pope and the tape trail: what happens to Emanuela Orlandi

The latest public outing of Emanuela’s brother caused the “surprise” of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the disappearance of Orlandi and Mirella Gregori. The London lead is being investigated “just like all the other leads on which the parliamentary body is working”, sources from the Commission itself leak according to what Adnkronos reports. From the Commission filters if not irritation or at least amazement at Pietro’s words: the parliamentary commission of inquiry is investigating and is doing so seriously, this is the reasoning given by sources from the Commission itself, but this work cannot be reconciled with the continuous media outbursts which also risk “burning” checks and investigations carried out in confidentiality. In any case, a new name is added to the many that could be linked, in one way or another, to one of the great Italian mysteries.

#Ill #transpires #Commission #Tempo
2024-09-27 00:14:59



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