Ilaria Salis, the MEP’s first act is in defense of a smuggler in prison –

«We are deeply concerned about the health conditions of Maysoon Majidi and we express our most sincere human and political solidarity towards her, also given the specious accusation of “smuggling” for which she is detained». This was stated by MEPs Ilaria Salis and Mimmo Lucano, who thus make their debut in the Europe that matters. The newly elected Avs MEPs explain how «the 28-year-old Kurdish activist for women’s rights fled first from Iran and then from Iraq due to the death threats she received. She arrived in Italy, and Europe, by sea seeking protection and asylum. She has been incarcerated since January 2024 and, for a long time, was not provided with adequate interpretation services to communicate with her lawyer and the authorities. Unfortunately, the terrible conditions of detention, common to most Italian prisons, and his hunger strike have seriously deteriorated his health. We have therefore presented a parliamentary question to the European Commission to shed light on this matter and we trust that the Commission will respond as soon as possible. We hope that this woman can be released from prison as soon as possible and that her rights are respected in every aspect, from first to last.”

He beats, occupies and doesn't pay, Bernardini de Pace lands a landslide on Ilaria Salis

Apart from the words of the usual companions, we forget, however, that we are talking about those who, although the judges’ verdict has not yet arrived, have certainly had to deal with that world which benefits from the so-called journey of hope, which allows poor immigrants , who flee from the war to land on the coasts of our continent. Although a definitive ruling on him has not yet been reached, he certainly would have had more relationships with worlds, which precisely speculate on the misfortunes of others and in particular on desperation, to obtain benefits. This is why, once again, Salis ends up at the center of controversy for some rather questionable choices. No

The latest from Salis, what he does with the journalist. Porro: I'm now a fan of his...

let’s not forget, in fact, that we are talking about the same deputy who, before being elected in Europe, said that those who occupy other people’s homes do not commit any type of crime. This is why the recent release of the comrades’ latest discovery does not surprise us that much, even if with so many problems concerning the economy and the difficulties affecting thousands of Italians, we would have expected something else from the left and certainly not a crusade for those who would have been involved in illegal trafficking of migrants.

Salis sides with the smugglers and Soumahoro sees racists everywhere

#Ilaria #Salis #MEPs #act #defense #smuggler #prison #Tempo
2024-09-30 05:13:22



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